Chapter 97

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Chapter 97

The weeks seemed to meld together as Jasmine fixed the wards at Hogwarts, had lessons with Bill, and created battle plans with Bellatrix and Cassiopeia. Before she knew it, it was Halloween night. Jasmine had reached a major roadblock with the warding reconfiguration at Hogwarts and she was nearly crawling the walls in frustration. She had nearly finished the damn thing, but she was having issues connecting the wards in Hogsmeade and Hogwarts seamlessly. These wards needed to last for centuries, she wasn't going to have them start to fray with a few decades, that was shoddy warding.

Jasmine had decided to call Celeste. She hated bothering her old Runemaster, but that crafty old woman had decades of experience. It was also just great to hear from her.

"Celeste, there's a layer of magic that is nearly four hundred years old that is driving me mad. It is dark magic that is holding, the entire structure together, but also simultaneously causing it to fall apart. It feels like someone took muggle tape and stuck it all together in hopes that it wouldn't break. Granted, it's held for centuries, but it isn't going to last much longer. All the runes are unraveling. I've never seen anything like this," Jasmine complained over her fourth cup of tea that morning.

She at her office in the Ministry. She was on her couch in the side room. Her walls were covered sheets of paper with different rune projections and warding formulas written all over them. The place was a disaster she was very happy that her old master couldn't see the mess around Jasmine.

Celeste's face could be seen poking out of the fireplace. She was rubbing her chin with a weathered hand.

"You might need to add your own brand of magic to it to overwrite the dark magic that is unraveling the rest. That would require Hogwarts herself granting you a Headmaster's access. It might be the only way to stop the warding from collapsing." Jasmine swore that Celeste sounded wistful at the idea of asking Hogwarts for access of her magic. The crazy old woman was more of an adrenaline junkie than Sirius, and he was tinkering with motorcycle, so it could fly.

Jasmine let out a sigh and leaned back into the couch with a tired groan. She didn't want to have Dumbledore be any angrier than he already was with her. While she didn't necessarily fear him, he was an annoying adversary to have politically. He still had too many allies on the board and she needed support from both sides if she wanted to end the war.

She pinched the bridge of her nose as she wrote down another formula, one that may actually work if she could get the magical access necessary. "Are you sure that is the only way out of this?"

"Dear, your grey magic is powerful. It can bind and layer like no polarized magic could ever dream of. The dark wizard that originally added to the wards should have found someone with grey magic in the first place. Grey mages are great warders due to their compatibility. There were multiple reasons that we chose you as our replacement, Jasmine. Don't doubt your skill," Celeste replied as she brought a cup to her lips and took a long sip.

Jasmine sighed and let her head back against the cushions. "How is Simon? Is he taking care of your properly or do I need to come over there to straighten him out?"

Celeste let out a small laugh. "He's fine. Being my eyes is exhausting for him, so he's taking a nap. He's going to be furious that he missed talking to you. Libby came by with the grandkids yesterday. I love it when they visit the cottage, so full of life. Though, I also miss you, Sirius and Petunia. I do expect you to come and see me in my old age. I won't be around forever, young lady."

Jasmine smiled, even if her mentor couldn't see it. "Give me another week and I can stop by and maybe I can convince the Weasley's to let me bring along my newest apprentice. He's been very excited with all of the work I've been giving him. He was sorted into Gryffindor recently."

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