Chapter 64

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Chapter 64

It seemed that Jasmine was going to know all the dirty details of Lily and James' date without even needing to ask. Both parties were more than liberal with sharing everything that happened. Lily gave her a play by play right after she got back. The explanation was filled with happy sighs and excited rolling around on the bed. James had managed to set up a rather creative picnic for the two of them. The gushing was rather adorable and it brought a bittersweet smile to Jasmine's face knowing that in another life, this could have been her mother falling in love with her father.

James was still on cloud nine the next morning. Remus and Sirius were exchanging knowing looks with each other over breakfast as James explained the date at great length to anyone within listening distance.

Honestly, she should have been happy for them both. They were together and getting along but, this just sat oddly with Jasmine. She had spent so many lives listening to people talk about her parents love story and to know that they were together an entire year earlier than originally scheduled worried her a little bit. Jasmine didn't mind that James had grown up faster. He was far more mature now than he was a year ago and the general population is only going to profit from the Marauders taking a more vested interest in the future of the wizarding world. It was just so strange to know that she had changed something that had been a constant in her narrative as Harriet for so long.

"It's sickening to watch, isn't it?" Sirius whispered to her at breakfast as James winked at Lily over breakfast. The Black Heir made a gagging motion that had Remus laughing into his morning paper.

"I mean, at least they didn't come back screaming at each other. I wouldn't want to deal with that kind of fall out," Jasmine murmured back as she took a sip of tea.

Sirius shrugged and handed Jasmine a letter he had received with his post. She didn't open it, not sure exactly why he handed her a piece of his personal mail. It had the Black family seal, so it wasn't meant for her eyes. "It seems that I received a letter from my aunt asking why I removed some names from the list of potential suitors. Someone seemed to have spoken with her."

She bit her lip and set the letter down. "Yes, well, we spoke briefly about it. I had no idea that you had watered down the list so significantly and taken off their top candidate."

Sirius stopped cutting up his breakfast and looked up, his grey eyes searching. "Did they tell you who their top pick was?"

She shook her head, as she buttered her toast. "No, there was no mention of names, just that there were women missing from the list. Your secret is still safe. I have a feeling that your aunt will eventually tell me if the meeting with the young Japanese woman doesn't got well."

She bit into her breakfast with a crunch as Sirius frowned, "Do you even think that they will respond to us? I get that my father is interested in some kind meeting with them regardless. Their family is known for their information gather techniques, but what would they have to gain by meeting with an English wizarding family..."

Jasmine raised an eyebrow and set her cup down. She felt the answer was rather obvious. "They have the same to gain as you do. They gather plenty of information, but your family barters in secrets just like they do. It would be a win-win situation. Both families would get footholds in other countries with entirely new information webs and it wouldn't come at too steep a cost."

"It would just be the potential cost of their children's happiness."

Always so dramatic.

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