Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

"I want Professor Brightbark fired! How dare he verbally attack my ward! For the past month I have been told by my son that he has been singling out the students he claims, using an illegal detection charm, are dark or grey and giving them more work than their peers. Now, I don't know how he learned about Jasmine's past, but if I find out that someone here shared information about a confidential case, you'll be hearing not only from the DMLE, but from the board of governors. This girl has had enough suffering in her life, now she has to deal with her peers thinking she's some kind of dark lady in training and all of this was decided because a conjured snake didn't bight her? The snake was conjured by a fifth year, it might not have been as rabid because of a conjuring error! It also wouldn't matter if she was a parselmouth, the main Peverell line is connected to the Slytherin family. There is a chance that she can communicate with snakes, but this ability is not seen as dark in other countries and shouldn't be by anyone in the wizarding Britain!" Euphemia took a breath, her tirade coming to either an end, or it could have been just beginning, Jasmine wasn't sure at this point. Her guardian had been yelling at Dumbledore for quite some time, and she had to fight to keep the grin off her face was the Headmaster paled at the mention of the board of governors.

Jasmine had been called to the Headmaster's office the morning following the snake fiasco. Apparently, James had contacted his mother about what had happened in the Great Hall the previous day. Jasmine had elected to avoid the entire school. She had learned her lesson throughout her various lives that children were cruel, and she didn't want to listen to the whispered rumors about her. It was a Saturday after all, and she really didn't need to show up for anything other than meals, which she called on a house elf to bring to her.

Lily, Alice and Marlene were being supportive, at least. Lily had already figured out where she had come from and, while Lily hadn't been friendly, had never used her past against her. The whole snake not attacking didn't really bother them all that much. Marlene thought that it was wicked, and Lily didn't really understand the connotation of what being a parselmouth in Britain meant. The three of them told her that they didn't think she was a dark lady in training. Ro, on the other hand, was the true evil mastermind in the dormitory and stole the left shoe of anyone who harassed Jasmine.

It had gotten a laugh out of Jasmine, but she still didn't feel up to going outside and talking to anyone. She hadn't liked the glares that the other students were giving her. She had never been a fan of this kind of childish behavior. As Harriet, she had been treated like this on a regular basis and she had almost killed herself in her first life. The only thing that had stopped her was Sirius and Remus sending her letters and Theo, Blaise and Hermione distracting her. They liked to remind her that someone wanted her alive.

This time it was different in certain aspects. Jasmine wasn't alone in the same way Harriet had been. James was willing to contact someone on her behalf. Jasmine had adults willing to help her. Euphemia was there defending her, a supporting hand on her shoulder as she sat in front of the Headmaster. She was shouting at the headmaster and demanding that something be done about the way that this professor was treating her. No one had been able to do this for her before. Dumbledore seemed hesitant to say anything to the head of the DMLE. Jasmine had experience with the way that Dumbledore "handled" bullying with both his students and teachers, which was more along the lines of he ignored it and hoped that it sorted itself out. Screw the consequences, even if it left students wandering the halls with no shoes, or allowed James and Sirius free reign of the school with barely any kind of repercussions.

"Euphemia, I can't just fire my Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor. We're over a month into term. If you feel that Jasmine isn't having an adequate time at Hogwarts, she can always withdraw."

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