Chapter 13

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Happy Friday! I hope that you enjoy the chapter!

Chapter 13

The rumors around Brightbark's fifth year class had gotten to the sixth and seventh years quickly, which was then brought to the Heads of House before the day had ended. All the Heads of Houses were furious, and quite frankly insulted, that someone would be invading their students' privacy and think they could get away with it, not to mention the fact that he was punishing students for their type of magic. It was a nice change watching the administration of the school actually helping their students. As Harriet, she had to fight all of her own battles. It was refreshing to see adults doing what they were supposed to for the students.

Dinner was the battleground of choice.

Food and drink were provided for the show that ensued.

And it was glorious.

All four heads made a point to stand united to address the situation in front font of the Headmaster. They stood aligned right in front of the Head Table, for the entire population of Hogwarts to watch. It was the first time in Jasmine's many Hogwarts experiences that all four Heads of House were working together. There had always been one, more often than not it was Snape, that wouldn't side with the rest of the school.

Everything had started off calm. Well, it had started as reasoning, but eventually devolved into more of a scolding...which then morphed into yelling. McGonagall had actually shouted at Dumbledore in front of the entire Great Hall. Her tartan accent coming through as she threatened the Headmaster and Brightbark with the board of governors if this kind of behavior didn't stop.

She wasn't the deputy headmistress for nothing.

Sirius wolf whistled in response and there was quite a bit of clapping.

So, naturally, by the end of dinner, Brightbark's homework assignment was cancelled and the students were told just to do the reading assigned to the "light" students. But, the damage had already been done. A lot of the younger years were shying away from friends that had been declared dark in class by Brightbark. Others, like Remus were avoiding everyone, ashamed of their status. Jasmine hadn't seen hide nor hair of the werewolf since DADA. He had skipped dinner and James had eventually left part way through to try and coax him out of hiding.

Apparently, Remus had a very specific hiding spot that was a Marauder trade secret. So, Jasmine figured he was at the Whomping Willow, but held her tongue. Peter followed, giving Sirius a nervous and slightly distrustful glance before dashing off after James for some kind of protection.

This left Jasmine with Sirius, who was picking at what was left of his dinner with a salad fork. "Do you want talk about it?" She asked as the hall cleared out for the evening. She wasn't going to leave him alone to his thoughts. That tended to get Sirius into major trouble in every time line she had encountered with him. Sirius glanced over to her through his unusually curly fringe.

He looked around the room, eyes lingering on something over her shoulder. She reached out with her rune sense to see if she could figure out who he was staring at. The only person over his shoulder was at the Slytherin table. They were younger, but not by too much and she could tell that he had the same build as Sirius...

Ah, Regulus.

Jasmine had forgotten that he existed. She had never met him before, in any life. Honestly, Regulus probably got that a lot as the spare Black heir. Sirius had always told her that he was a tool to the Black family's whims, but family meant a lot to a Black...

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