19: Logan

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Hello, how are you, its been a while and I'm very sorry since a lot has happened inbetween February and now. Like the fact that I finished the Sam Drake(character from Uncharted) fanfic I was working on. First time I've finished a book in 5 years and I'm hoping Assassin will be my second.

I started watching the Avengers Assemble cartoon and that reignited my love of Hawkeye. Also, Troy Baker(who voices Sam Drake), voices Hawkeye, how ironic. Anyways...enjoy.

Scott was understandably pretty pissed when he woke up to find himself laying on a jet halfway across the world from California. The guy freaked out and Wanda barely managed to hold him down with her telekinesis. Once Scott had calmed down, Clint handed him a coffee and a spare set of clothes from our stop in London to let the Quinjets batteries charge.

"Are you ok?" Clint inquired as Scott sipped at his coffee, looking concerned.

"Yeah, I'm great," he muttered, sarcastically and I rolled my eyes. "I just got shot, knocked unconscious, kidnapped and stuffed on a jet to who knows where."

"You're actually headed to Germany. We are about an hour from touching down at the Leipzig-Halle airport," Clint informed and checked the GPS to make sure he was right.

"So...can I ask again...why am I headed to Germany?" Scott inquired and turned to me.

"Tony Stark has gone crazy and is determined to put an end to people with powers living free in the US. He's also refusing to listen to reason and we, along with Steve Rogers, have reason to believe that an ex-Hydra follower named Helmut Zemo is planning to unleash super powered assassins on the world."

Scott nodded slowly, obviously trying to process everything that I had just said.

"Huh...so what are we doing here?"

"Steve and Bucky, one of the reformed assassins, are headed to Siberia in order to stop Zemo," Clint added from his spot in the cockpit. "We're there to deliver the jet and make sure that if Tony Stark does arrive, he won't be able to stop them."

"Let me guess, you think he'll show up?" Scott inquired and we all got quiet.

No one wanted to admit that it was almost guaranteed that Tony would show up. Steve had just escaped from one of his high security prisons and it was likely that pissed him off. Tony wanted revenge and he wanted to see the Accords go through. It was almost a guarantee that something was gonna go wrong at the airport and we had to be ready to fight our way through it.

"Good thing I keep my suit on me at all times or else we'd have to fly back to San Francisco."

Scott grinned and pulled up his pant leg to reveal a fanny pack looking bag strapped to his ankle. He unzipped it and pulled out a very tiny red and black suit that could barely fit an ant, much less Scott. I raised a brow over at Wanda who was staring at Scott in concern.

"Uh...are you planning on losing a lot of weight before we arrive?" I inquired and Scott blinked at me in confusion.

I nodded towards his tiny suit and he shook his head with a laugh. He pressed a button on the suit and it grew to his size in seconds. I stared at the suit in shock as Scott grinned.

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