Assassin Trivia and Stats

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Here is the best part of the entire book, the trivia section. Where you all learn how different this book could've been if I followed my original ideas. I hope you enjoy and there is also some stats and my favorite moments in the book down below as well.


1: Believe it or not but this book was originally going to be a Hawkeye daughter fanfic which sounds kinda creepy since it turned into an X OC instead. I started writing this after watching Endgame in August, 2019 and really started to realize how much I loved Clint and Jeremy Renner in general. So I started a fic about his mutant daughter and also planned on an X OC. Though I realized it'd be creepy to do them both so I settled on OC. The original Endgame, Civil War and Ultron script was written with the daughter in mind and during Clint's monolog to Tony in the RAFT it still said....I'm doing this for my daughter who's trapped here with cause it was his wife there instead.

2: Leo was originally gonna be straight but when I wrote the part with Tim at the Red Legion I decided to pair him with Alex instead. It just sorta happened and I was like....huh....sure, why not and just casually made the guy more flamboyant as the book went on. #TheUncleLeoPartInUltron

3: Clint and Logan were originally gonna be together during the Snap but I thought that'd be odd and I wanted Ronin so I switched it to them being apart. And Clint was gonna be just a regular Ronin until I had the genius idea to make him go after Red League's only.

4: Logan was originally gonna take over the Hawkeye name. That moment after Nat's death when he offers her it, she was gonna say yes but with Kate showing up it didn't make any sense. Also that moment was once again written when Clint had a daughter rather than a wife.

5: Forgetting to mention that Barney ran off right before the Civil War part was my fault. I legit forgot about him and remember after I published that chapter and got lazy.😅 Same goes for Leo never knowing that Logan found their father, forgot about him to. Kinda bad at that. Same also goes with Nat and Steve not helping Clint break out Logan...God I'm bad at that.😐

6: The time skip between the Snap and the Thanos fight was gonna be 3 years but it got too complicated so I made it 5 and went back 4 years with the reality stone.


Words(total): 173,787

Words(average per ch.): 5606

Chapters: 32 including an Epilogue

Longest Ch.: Ch 12 at 7400

Shortest Ch.: Ch 27 at 3900

Started: September 29th, 2019

Finished: June 10th, 2021

Time Took to Complete: Around 18 Months

Random Statistics:

Clint Chapters: 18

Logan Chapters: 16

Appreciation Chapters: 4

AU Only Sections: 3

Movies Followed: 3, Ultron, Civil War and Endgame.

Non-MCU Marvel Characters Featured: 3. Barney Barton, Kate Bishop and Madame Masque. *Kate is not in the MCU yet.*

Chapters with Barney: 4

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