30: Clint

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This chapter is a mess and it took too long...so enjoy. A lot happened so it all got delayed but now it seems to be back on track and there's one left. Also this dives a bit into Clint's childhood for no reason but I needed more words. It was done at like 3000...ugh...but it's here and I'll redeem myself on the last one.

I stared at Logan in shock as she tilted her head at me, eyes nearly all black minus a red pupil. Something was clearly wrong and it became more and more obvious that she was under the effects of mind control. It's extraordinarily difficult to mind control someone who can use the ability. Mind controllers train for years in order to gain enough strength or use amplifiers like Vito back at the Red League. Logan's a master at mind powers and can accomplish things most people only dream of. The amount of power needed to control her would be too much for one person.

But there's a loophole, a crystal that has enough power to easily mind control someone like Logan. And there's only one in existence...a Kyoto crystal that was formerly used by the Red League. The crystal was stolen by a man that I prayed I'd never have to see again. But he was unluckily standing right behind Logan.

"See...I told you she'd be able to find him," Barney informed and smiled back at Madame Masque who was standing behind him.

She nodded in approval before walking forward and I raised a brow at the fact that she wasn't wearing a mask. The woman was dressed in a sleek black dress with matching black heels. She was also quite tall and beautiful with long black hair and dark brown eyes. She was obviously of Asian descent based on her features and she crossed her arms before looking me up and down. I gulped and stepped back only to bump into Kate who was staring at Whitney wide eyed. It suddenly occurred to me that that even though she'd been trailing the woman for months this was the first time she'd ever seen her face to face.

"You impressed me, Barney," Whitney informed and my brother smiled before pulling out the red Kyoto crystal.

"It wasn't me. It was this," he assured and stuffed it back in his pocket before ordering Logan back to his side.

My wife obliged and wandered over before firmly planting her feet next to Barney. He grinned and wrapped an arm around her as I tensed, my hands curling into fists. Whitney noticed and glanced back at Logan before giving me a knowing look.

"I see. I'm under the impression that she means a lot to you. Makes sense. She is Logan Barton after all and you're Clint Barton, also known as Hawkeye. A man that can't miss." I glared at Whitney as she smiled and trailed a manicured finger along my cheek. "You'll be happy to know that you're Logan isn't standing in front of you. That one is merely a pawn in my game."

I raised a brow as Barney pinched the back of Logan's neck and she collapsed in a pile of goo. I stared at her in shock but knew that it made sense since Whitney specialized in clones. That was how she managed to live forever, she had perfected the art of transferring her consciousness from one clone to the other. I didn't know how other than the fact that she seemed to have also mastered cloning. But in order to make a clone of Logan, you needed DNA from the real thing. Logan had to be in that ballroom and I had to find her.

"Where's the real one?" I inquired and Whitney smirked.

"Follow me. Bring your young friend." She walked off and I nodded at Kate who was quick to follow me backstage.

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