1: Clint

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It was a funny feeling, to walk down a hall and have everyone glare at you behind your back. It was like showing up on the first day of a new job, already knowing that no one likes you. That's how I felt after the Battle of New York and the incident with a certain all powerful god. Loki, god of mischief or whatever, mind controlled me into doing his bidding. I shot some colleagues, broke into SHIELD and even tried to kill a couple dozen people. Well...killed a couple dozen people.

After the battle was won and I had switched back to the winning side, people still saw me as a mind controlled minion of Loki. They didn't see Clint Barton, master marksman, but Clint Barton, caution he might kill you if provoked. The looks and the stares were starting to get to me and I needed something, anything, to get my mind off them.

That's where I was headed, to find a distraction from the one man that could provide one. Nick Fury himself. Hopefully he'd have a mission, one that was very far away. What I needed was time to myself and a solo mission that put my life at risk was perfect.

"Director Fury?" I inquired, as I stepped into the main control room on the carrier.

They were still using a helicarrier as a base and I had no idea why.

"Agent Barton, what can I do for you?" Fury asked and I crossed my arms with a sigh.

"I need a mission, any mission, but it has to be far away," I informed and Fury raised a brow at the request.

I could already tell that he noticed the dirty looks getting shot at me from behind my back. Likely everyone in that control room was wondering why the SHIELD traitor had even bothered to make an appearance. I could jump out the window into the abyss of clouds and sky and no one would care. The thoughts were dragging me down and I needed something to get my mind off them.

"I may be able to help with your problem," Fury told me and moved to a large screen near the middle of the room.

The two agents that were already there, stared at me in shock before quickly jumping out of the way. I rolled my eyes and shot the agents each a death glare before turning my attention to Fury. He was typing away at a tablet before a clip of security footage popped up on screen. It was right after I had broke into SHIELD and I groaned, wondering why he had to pick that clip. You could see me, just barely, near the top of the carriers control room but there was also something else.

A figure that looked to be female was hanging on the carriers front window, unnoticed in all the chaos. I watched as she cut a hole in the window and surprisingly shot an arrow through it. I assumed she was aiming for an agent but when the view shifted that wasn't the case.

The view inside the control room told a different story and I raised a shocked brow when the arrow stuck itself into a USB port on Fury's deck. After, it was retracted, the view shifted to outside once again. The woman had grabbed the arrow and turned to the camera, pulling her mask off. She stared right at the camera while a mop of deep brown hair, dyed teal at the ends, was revealed. After giving the camera a smirk, she jumped off the carrier, using some kind of ability to propel herself off into the sky.

"Huh...so a flying lady stole something important?" I inquired and Fury pulled up a list of missing documents. "Something very, very important."

Fury nodded, sombrely, while my eyes flew over the impressive list of documents. She had nabbed every single agents personal file, wether it be about family, pets, allergies or otherwise. My heart sunk when I realized she had also grabbed mine. One that included where I was staying. That farm had remained a secret for over thirteen years and now it was in jeopardy.

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