29: Clint

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Sorry about the wait, a lot of stuff happened in the last week or so. Not only did I work A LOT but I also got attacked by allergies and was out of commission for like 2 days. But here I am and this chapter introduces someone very exciting. It's also mildly boring but the next 2 are the real exciting since they're the last 2. Also, once this finishes I'm entering it in the Watty's so keep on voting!!

5 Years Later

Life got pretty normal after Tony and Nat's funeral and it was actually quite nice to sit back, relax and let the world pass you by. The other Avengers got up to shenanigans since Wanda enslaved a whole town and the US got a new Cap in the form of Sam. The last part was the best part since Steve did stay in the forties like Logan predicted and he unfortunately passed a few months after he retuned with Sam and Bucky. The guy was technically like three hundred when he died so he frankly had lived long enough. After his death, Sam gave up the shield but got it back and was fully embracing the Cap persona. He was worried about being accepted since people were used to a white Cap but he was proven wrong. According to him, the American people had never been so accepting and he had plenty of fans. It was an exciting moment when he showed up on the farm in his new suit, beaming with pride. Logan and I were eager for him to meet the kids and for him to be the first to see Oliver with his new implant.

The surgery for the implant happened a month after the funeral and it went absolutely perfect. After a few weeks of recovery, Oliver's doctor switched on the implant and my son could finally hear my voice. He wouldn't stop smiling after Logan said his name and she was so happy that it ended up registering when she read his mind. He could hear and it was a beautiful moment between the three of us. It was also fun to teach him how to speak a few months later and really get the ball rolling. Now five years later and Oliver had just turned six with Hannah turning ten in late December. I felt like an old man with my two old kids and yet I wouldn't change my life in the slightest.

Hanging out on a farm, doing the odd paperwork job for SHIELD and truly enjoying parenthood felt like a dream. I also got to teach Hannah about archery and she had gotten amazing at using her powers. Practically a master and Tim was still shocked that she picked it up so quickly. But she had and was brilliant with her powers just like Logan and I always expected. She was also very powerful and had little fluctuations every once in awhile so you had to be ready to catch things that went flying. All in all, life was pretty great and unbelievably content and safe. I sighed at the thought as I helped Hannah with her aiming as Logan cooked dinner with Oliver. I could just see the two of them in the kitchen, laughing and singing along to a song she was playing. I rolled my eyes before turning back to Hannah and adjusting her stance as she glared at me.

"Dad, I know how to stand," she protested and I rolled my eyes before stepping back.

"Fine, go ahead. Show me what you got," I challenged and Hannah glared before notching an arrow.

She pulled back and let out a breath before letting it fly. The arrow was a tad bit off but Hannah fixed it with a little telekinesis and I rolled my eyes.

"Cheater," I shot at her and she glared at me.

"Mom always reminds me to use my gifts in any way I can," Hannah informed and smiled. "I just use them to shoot better and you're jealous cause you can't do that."

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