15: Logan

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Welcome back to the many misadventures of Logan and Clint! Here we are at Logan chapter 2 of 4 and this one is gonna be good. If you thought I'd give them a nice and easy wedding...think again! Though this chapter does introduce a very familiar face for the first time. If you've read the Matt Fraction Hawkeye comic books up to #4 Rio Bravo then you know who I'm talking about(it's not Kate Bishop). Anyways, enjoy!

2 Months Later

I never thought planning a wedding could be so stressful until I decided to employ Nat in order to help me. She was the craziest wedding planner I had ever met and for a former genetically modified assassin, the girl was obsessed with weddings. For the first few weeks she did nothing but gossip about how we desperately needed to decide everything right at that moment. And it was all because Clint and I decided we wanted to get married sooner rather than later. We really just wanted to settle down and talk about kid #2, but we weren't about to mention that. I mean the world was safe, Clint was happy staying at home, I got a job with SHIELD. The organization was in fact thrilled to allow me to join their ranks and I was even promoted to Level 7 my first day. Sure I still kept in touch with the Red Legion but they were at least happy that I found my perfect job.

Back at that summit all those months ago when I got my first taste of being an agent I knew I never wanted to go back. Tim was fine with me leaving to join SHIELD and SHIELD was even fine with finally considering working with the Red Legion. They finally admitted that having a group of highly trained yet also morally good assassins on their side would in fact be a good thing. The partnership meant I was free to join SHIELD and eager to partake in my first mission, after the wedding and honeymoon of course.

Nick Fury himself requested that I get at least three months off before any missions and I agreed. After what happened with Clint, Ultron and everything in-between, those three months would be much appreciated. I was looking forward to getting married, going on a fantastic honeymoon to Cancun(a gift from Tony) and then starting a whole new adventure. And maybe in a year or so I'll have another break, maybe have another kid and then fully retire. My future was looking pretty damn good but the present, however, was very stressful.

"I specifically said that Logan wanted white orchids and roses!!! These are white roses and lily's!!!"

I rolled my eyes at Nat who was still yelling at a poor florist who was hired to do all the different flower arrangements. My two favourite flowers on the planet are orchids and white roses so every flower arrangement obviously had to be perfect. Nat was nitpicking everything and every other bridesmaid was content with just shaking their head at her. It was October 11th and the wedding was tomorrow so Nat was making sure everything was perfect. And it wasn't considering the poor florist had used the wrong kind of flower.

"That florist is going to get her head sliced off," Pepper Potts informed and I nodded in agreement while I sipped some sweat tea on the porch.

Nat might've been all the way in the barn where the ceremony and reception were being held but we could still hear the entire conversation.

"She should calm down," Wanda suggested and I rolled my eyes knowing that would never happen.

Both Wanda and Pepper were my bridesmaids and I had made the mistake of picking Nat as my maid of honour. Leo was desperate for the role but he was going to be walking me down the aisle and I couldn't have him do both. Clint, on the other hand, had picked Tony, Steve and a friend of Steve's named Sam as his groomsmen and were off doing something for Clint's bachelor party. He would've got Bruce and Thor to join them but after Ultron, no one had seen either of them. Some space dilemma likely but it sounded as though they were missing quite a bit of fun. I was pretty sure Tony rented out an entire hotel and casino in Vegas but didn't know the full details.

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