Bonus 4: Logan

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Thank you all so much for 10,000 reads!!! I'm in legit shock right now and I really hope you like the way I ended this. The back half of this chapter is beautiful and I love it a lot, hope you do as well.

This is the longest chapter of this entire book which is fitting since its also the last chapter. There is no new epilogue but just this one which is very long and a lot happens but I do love it. It brings up a moment that is very powerful and a reasoning that Logan had been trying to get across the whole book. I hope you like it.

LA Red Legion

Everyone was still shocked by both the reveal and the death of Eva that nobody did anything. I just stared, slack jawed, at a woman that I had known for almost ten years and was normally strong and capable, always ready to lend a hand. Now she was nothing but a mound of flesh, devoid of blood and pale beyond compare. It literally looked as thought she had been pained a stark white, rather than just lost a hell of a lot of blood. It was way more than what a normal human could afford to lose which meant that the demon PABC acted in the exact way I thought it caused the body to reject the old PABC.

It was a complete rewrite but their version wasn't normal blood, it was basically fake blood that was unable to work and manage basic functions, much less keep a human alive. They basically replaced all her blood with red water. My heart sunk as I thought of the implication while a guard dragged Clint further into the Legion. He dragged us all the way to their main conference room and stuffed us inside before locking it. The lock for the room's electronic and needs to be activated from outside so we were stuck. So what if I can move things with my mind, it doesn't mean I can manipulate electronic locks. I sighed at the thought and slid down the wall adjacent to the door before stuffing my head in my hands. It felt like I had failed, big time, and a part of me knew I had. Maxim and Danila were gonna destroy the Legion piece by piece and at the moment, I was powerless to stop them.

"You good?" Clint inquired after he slid down the wall next to me.

I glanced up to find a worried look on his face and sighed before leaning my head on his shoulder.

"No...I pretty much feel like I doomed the entire Legion," I muttered, more frustrated than sad really.

"You didn't doom it, we'll figure out how to stop them, we always do. Need I remind you of Bentley or Ultron or even Thanos."

"We had others for those fights, other people helping us like Barney and the whole Avengers team. This time it's just us."

"What about Yelena?"

I raised a brow before glancing around the conference room to find he was right, Yelena wasn't there. I had been so shocked about Eva that I didn't even notice where they dragged Yelena off to. They could've killed and I wouldn't have even realized it nor could I read anybody's mind. Everyone in the building was either a mind reader of being mind controlled so my powers were useless...maybe.

"Do you think Danila is being controlled?" I inquired and Clint raised a brow.


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