12: Logan

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Enjoy the long and kinda boring chapter but at least there's more canon Age of Ultron stuff and even the best nickname to call Captain America. Which is...

Mr. Rogers Minus the Neighbourhood...I thought I was being clever.

Anyways, please enjoy!!

I glared at Leo who hadn't moved since he accidentally cursed in front of the ever so PG Steve Rogers. Captain America had sent him the worst death glare I had ever seen and could tell that crushed my brother. Leo had always been one of Steve's biggest fans but who was he to know that Steve was in face a mother afraid of using the word heck in front of her children. Like seriously, the man was what 180 something, there had to be at least some swearing back in the 1600's(yes I know he's like 70 and from 1940, just let me mock him).

"I'm so sorry sir," Leo informed and I could tell he was resisting the urge to drop to his knees in front of Steve.

Mr. Rogers minus the Neighbourhood raised a brow at my brother and then glanced over at me, who simply grinned at him.

"Uh, it's fine," he informed and Leo let out a sigh so loud the people in the back could hear.

I rolled my eyes but walked over anyways and wrapped my annoying brother in a loving hug.

"It's good to see you, you dork," I informed and Leo rolled his eyes before reluctantly returning the hug.

Once I had pulled away he ran right over to Nat who was playing with Hannah, grinning like a madman.

"There's my Hannah!" Leo exclaimed and my daughter looked at him with boundless amounts of curiosity.

I had to admit that Leo was definitely a strange creature and would likely concern any small child or team of superheroes.

"Uncle Leo!" She exclaimed and Nat glared daggers at the fact that she actually knew Leo's real name.

Trust me when I say that at first he was just called Uncle Eo.

"Come here my precious little girl!" Leo grabbed Hannah from Nat and gave her a hug before carrying her over to his discarded pile of toys.

I rolled my eyes at the two of them before turing to the Avengers and deciding to address the elephant in the room. But Nick Fury beat me to it.

"You should be going, there's no telling when Ultron will go after Helen Cho. I'll be in touch."

Like smoke in the wind he was gone in a second, leaving only the essence of Directory Fury behind. I stared after him in mild concern before the Avengers began to grumble and get their stuff together.

"Wait...aren't we at least staying the night?" I inquired and nearly everyone turned to stare at me as though I was insane.

"You heard Fury, Ultron could strike at any moment, even when we're all sleeping. Nap on the jet," Tony informed and walked off with Steve Rogers.

I stared at him in shock before turning to Clint who was also starting to get ready. As an assassin that took her time I wasn't used to the gung-ho attitude being put on by the Avengers. It was almost like they were eager to get out there and nearly kill themselves whereas I could use some shut eye.

"Clint?" I inquired and he glanced over at me from his spot by the bottom of the stairs.


"Why are we not staying the night? It's nearly eleven and don't they need some beauty sleep? Or at least Tony Stark," I asked and Clint chuckled at the comment.

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