17: Logan

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First off, I am so sorry that this took so long but like most things in life, I lost the inspiration to keep typing it. But that inspiration has been reignited thanks to the image above. That is one of the first legit set photos from the Hawkeye TV series. I was hoping Hailee Steinfeld would get cast as Kate and she did!!!! That was my inspiration to continue.

Also, there are only around 13 left after this and the next movie we'll be diving into is Civil War and then Endgame. We're nearing the end, just hold on a bit longer.

I had been sitting in that interrogation room, strapped to that electric chair for so long that the tips of my fingers had started to turn black. Bentley was obviously trigger happy considering my left eye wouldn't stop twitching from all the electricity that had been pumped through my veins. My muscles were on fire from the pure intensity of the torture and Bentley was just getting more and more restless. He had long since moved on from a cattle prod and was now on the generator after also trying out a taser. My powers allowed me to heal faster than the average human but I also felt the pain and right now it was intense. I was trying to keep myself alert and awake but too many things were in pain to even think straight. The questions were getting blurry and my lack of answering wasn't making Bentley any happier.

"Tell me how to unlock your daughters powers?" Bentley inquired and placed a hand on the control for the generator.

I glared daggers and shook my head in order to keep my thoughts clear and alert. I needed to be ready to fight, not ready to doze off in pain.

"I don't know how," I informed. "Hannah is barely two. The only thing she's been able to do is toss a stuffed a bear across the room in her sleep. It'll be years before she can access them and Hannah would never listen to you."

Bentley glared and stood, leaving the generator controls alone. I sighed in relief and slumped in the chair, praying that he was done with shocking me.

"Really? Only tossing toys. I beg to differ."

Bentley pulled out a tablet from the backpack he brought with him and tapped a few things before facing the screen towards me. On it was security footage of the room they were keeping Hannah in and my brows shot up in shock. Not only were items being thrown across but people as well and it looked as though Hannah was the one doing it.

My daughter sat in the middle of the room, strapped into what looked like a metal high chair. A guard had managed to get close to her and was desperately trying to get her to calm down. But Hannah was persistent and just kept crying and crying for what felt like hours upon hours.

"Hannah...please stop crying."

The guard reached out to touch her but my daughter stopped him and stared right into his eyes.

"Quiet," she muttered and the guard stepped back in shock as my jaw dropped.

She had basically mind controlled his mouth shut with nothing but a single word. I gulped and glanced up at Bentley who looked thoroughly amused with the footage. Hannah was powerful, very powerful, and being away from Clint and I had made her very, very angry. And angry and powerful don't mix. If her powers started to get even more intense then the whole building wouldn't last long.

"You gotta let me see her," I pleaded and Bentley scoffed.

"Pfft. You'd just combine your powers and escape. I just want information and I can easily obtain it here."

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