11: Clint

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Hello there I am back and we are finally and I mean FINALLY in the canon section of Age of Ultron, well, at least for the next like three or so chapters excluding this one. Even though it's minimal and a very short canon period there is a hell of a lot more to get through. Like Civil War and the ever so exciting Endgame. Anyways....please enjoy!!

18 Months Later

It was crazy to think that I was a father to a daughter that was halfway to two years old. Hannah was a year and a half and truly loving both life and her big brother. Lucky was so sweet with Hannah and I still mocked Logan for ever being nervous around him with her. That dog would do nothing to hurt her and he even slept right outside her door. The first few weeks that we had Hannah we'd get woken up every hour almost because somebody thought that something was wrong with her. But since then he'd calm down and Lucky was even Hannah's first word even though she pronounced it like 'Thucky'. The dog still got the point and trotted over to her, tail just a wagging at the fact that he got the honour of being her first word.

"Hannah is fine, she's in the house with Logan," I assured and glared at Lucky who was pouting from his spot by the barn door.

We had gotten two horses in the 18 months since Hannah was born so I was out tending to them. We had a black one that Logan named Storm and a brown and white palomino I named Arrow after my brand of course. It was either Arrow or Hawkeye and Logan sadly turned down Hawkeye. Something about there being too many Hawkeye related things in the world already. Not my fault that the town of Hawkeye, Iowa was less than an hour drive away.

Regardless, I still loved the name Arrow and was giving the horse a pat when my phone rang. The ring spooked him which in turn spooked Lucky and caused a cacophony of barking and neighing to nearly murder my eardrums.

"Lucky! Be quiet!" I snapped and the dog stared at me nearly hurt. "Hello?"

"Clint Barton," Nick Fury greeted and I nearly dropped the phone in shock.

"Uh...Director Fury, I'm shocked that you're even calling me and are alive...wasn't that a thing? Nat phoned me," I admitted and let out a nervous laugh in the midst of getting Arrow and Lucky to calm down.

News of his death had traveled all the way to Iowa, even though it looked as though Fury was alive and Maria Hill was no longer acting director. Kinda upsetting since she did promise to keep me off work for at least another year. But...that sounded a little far fetched now...sigh.

"Trust me, so am I," Fury informed and I could almost feel him smirking. "I've kept myself hidden for months and I would only be phoning if I needed something and the Avengers need you. They got their asses handed to them by an android named Ultron and need to lie low for a few days. Can they use your farm?"

"Uh...sure...but why my place?"

"Cause they also need you," Fury informed and I raised a brow in mild disbelief.

"Really? After all I did to them they want my help. I almost killed them all last time, remember?"

"Yes I remember. But this time is different and even Logan is invited. We pardoned all her crimes so she's a free woman and SHIELD dropped the trial against the Red Legion a year ago. We actually work together and you can tell her I said that. I was wrong Clint and now we need both of you to help. What do you say?"

I thought for a second and wondered what the heck Logan was gonna think of all this.

"I'll have to talk to Logan first and meet with the Avengers. But as long as she's in then I'm in," I told him and Fury actually let out a laugh.

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