8: Clint/Logan

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FINALL!Y!!! Sorry for shouting but we have finally reached the canon, Avengers content. There are actual characters who appeared in Marvel, besides Clint, in this chapter. Yay!!! You should all be excited.

Also, there are 2...TWO...left until Age of Ultron and they are gonna be cool, well one is but whatever. I hope you enjoy all three(the two plus this one) and are exited for canon events.

After the beginning of AOU then everything will speed up and there should only be like 4 AU only chapters left. Which is cool. Anyways, enough ranting, please enjoy the chapter.

Above is Jeremy Renner in Age of Ultron.


There was a part of me that silently hoped that Logan was at least a little bit nervous to meet the Avengers. I was nervous to meet her family and it would be nice to know that she was nervous to meet mine. But the stoic look on her face as we walked up to the tower told me otherwise.

"Nervous?" I inquired and Logan shook her head while I swiped my badge on the door outside.

"No, I think I'll be alright. How do they feel about ex-undercover-assassins?"

"I don't know, they've never met one," I informed and slipped into the elevator with Logan close behind me.

I pressed the 80th floor button and wrung my hands out while we shot towards the top floor. Once the elevator dinged I stepped out only to be crushed in a hug.

"You're such an idiot."

I rolled my eyes as Nat stepped back and grinned at me, her eyes actually tearing up.

"I know, I'm sorry," I muttered and Nat in turn punched me in the shoulder. "Ow! What the hell was that for!"

"For not talking to us in six months!" She exclaimed, anger taking over the sadness. "I thought you were dead you blasted idiot. All the Avengers were worried sick and all Nick Fury would say is that he was certain that you weren't dead. Do you know how uncertain that made all of us?"

I rubbed a hand on the back of my neck while the other Avengers made their way over. The only one who wasn't present was Thor and that was understandable after what happened six months ago with Loki. But Steve, Tony and Bruce were all there and they looked equally as annoyed as Nat.

"I agree with Romanoff on that one, you had us worried sick Barton," Steve informed and crossed his arms in that grumpy old man sorta way.

I glared at Steve while the other Avengers nodded in agreement that they found my kidnapping annoying.

"Sorry about the fact that I was kidnapped by Hydra for two months and then was on the run for four. I'll make sure to call next time and let you know."

I rolled my eyes and wandered over to the kitchen in order to grab a mug of coffee. I poured myself a full mug and kept it black before downing half of it. Logan, who had followed me into the kitchen, cringed at my coffee while I just grinned in response.

"It's delicious, trust me," I assured and poured another full cup before downing it.

After I was full of fresh caffeine the other Avengers finally noticed that I wasn't alone.

"Wait...Clint...who's this?" Tony inquired and walked over to Logan who looked intimidated by the new face.


"I asked Clint," Tony informed, cutting Logan off and annoying me.

"She's my girlfriend and you don't get to talk to her like that," I told him, stepping in between the two of them.

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