26: Clint

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First off....OH MY GOODNESS...thank you so much for 4k!!!! I hit 3k like a month ago and now I'm at like 4.09...what....that's insane. My goal by July 24th, my 21st birthday, is 6k and I think I might hit it. THANK YOU SO MUCH and please enjoy this chapter.

This chapter has the single biggest plot twist in the whole Endgame portion. I'll explain how it works at the end according to my logic. Not really Marvel logic but there's is flawed. This also tells you why I feel as though Nat was in fact right to jump rather than Clint. It gives you a more in depth look at why I think she did it. So...enjoy.

I still couldn't believe that Nat had sacrificed herself even after I watched her body hit the ground below me. It was crazy and unreal to think that the world had just lost one of it's most selfless heroes, a woman determined to bring people together and to make a difference. She had grown so much since that first day I met her, that first meeting when she almost killed me and I decided to take a chance on her. I gave Nat her shot at a new life, a new destiny and now she was gone. But I couldn't grieve over Nat forever since there was another person on that mountain that likely hated me.

Logan had just watched Nat stop me from killing myself and leaving her alone forever. She had just watched the man she loved almost give up everything, almost watched him be a totally selfish prick. I wasn't giving up my life for the cause like Nat, I was giving up so I wouldn't have to face the consequences of being Ronin. Killing all those Red League agents felt good at the time, it felt like the right thing to do...but now...I just felt like a monster. Though it was still wrong to kill myself rather than man up and face my mistakes but I had never been that much of a man. Taking the easy way out always sounded so much more convenient...but now...I wasn't so sure.

I sighed as Logan used her telekinesis to drag me back onto the mountain. She wrapped me in a hug just as a boom was let off and we were transported to a large, shallow pool of water. I looked down at my hand and choked out a sob when I noticed the soul stone. I glared at the stone and hit the water out of anger, startling Logan.

"Clint..." She began but I cut her off by wrapping her in a tight hug.

"I'm so sorry..." I muttered and let out a choked sob as Logan did the same.

"It's okay," she assured and pulled back in order to wipe a tear that had fallen. "I love you so much."

"I love you to," I informed and gave her a deep kiss, Logan grinning against my lips.

After the kiss, both our suits had rematerialized and we were shot back through the portal. I had luckily remembered to shrink the Benatar before grabbing the stone so it was safe in my pocket. The last thing I needed was to have to tell the Avengers about Nat and have an angry raccoon yelling at me. I just wanted to focus on Nat and try and figure out how I was going to break the news to the Avengers. I sighed as I rematerialized on the platform, clutching Logan's hand as the others appeared as well.

"Did we get them all?" Bruce inquired and everyone nodded, holding up their respective stones.

"You telling me this'll actually work?" Rhodey inquired but he was ignored as the Avengers began to realize the missing piece.

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