5. Home

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-Chloe's point of view-

I woke up in a warm bed with white warm blankets and tattooed warm arms wrapped around me, my head buried into a chest with a cross on it and a guy snoring. Soon I realised that I was laying cuddled up to Jason, me and him in the same bed.

I could barely remember anything from last night, only me getting threatened by Mark and him spraying things in my eyes... And Jason carrying me.

"Jason!" I lightly whisper and shook Jason a little to wake him up. "Jason!" I whisper a little louder the second time, he didn't wake up. I sighed and unwrapped his arms around me. "Jason!" I said with my normal voice the third time and he immediately jumped off the bed and looked up at me with furrowed eyebrows.

"What is it? Why did you wake me up?" He spat in my face with an angry expression on his face.

"I wonder where I am and if I can go home!" I wondered sadly with pleading eyes, hoping he would say yes.

"You're not going home sweetie." Jason smiled and wrapped an arm around my waist. I pulled away his arm.

"Please Jason!" I begged with puppy dog eyes.

"No Chloe. Why do you even want to go home?" Jason asked and furrowed his black bush eyebrows.

"Should I really tell you?" I asked. Jason nodded his head. "I have so much important things in school going on right now and I really need to study. I've been studying for ages and I really need to continue... If I don't, I'll lose everything. And I really want to meet my little sister too... Her name is Leslie and without her I'm nothing. I really need to, I can't stay here forever..." I told Jason and made my serious face. I looked at him with pleading eyes, really hoping he would say yes.

"Should we deal?" He smirked, I furrowed my eyebrows at him. "If I let you go home, we will still meet each other and sleep over. You will study in school and I'll be the one picking you up from school and we will meet each other almost everyday, I let us have a normal relation and we will just still meet each other, and if we don't, I'll do something unexpected. Deal?" Jason smirked and made a little smile. I gulped. I don't have a choice so...

"Deal!" I said as shook his hand. "If you let me go, now." I said and smiled.

"Now!" Jason repeated after me. "Here's my number." He said and handed me a little paper of his number on it.

"Thanks!" I fake smiled and took it. "Do you drive me home?" I continued.

"Yes, baby girl!" Jason smiled, his smile was so beautiful. His eyes comes into a special angle when he smiles, to be honest I love it.

We walked outside to his black Ferrari. I wonder how he gets those expensive cars when he's a criminal guy, I mean you can see on him that he is criminal. He has guns and stuff like that. We got into his car and he opened the car door for me like a gentleman.

"Thank you!" I smiled and got in the Ferrari. Jason smiled at me and jogged to the other side of the car to get in too.

"I live on The Bird Street 14, here in this town." I told Jason, he nodded his head and wrote it in on his GPS. It was a quite car ride until Jason putted some music on.

Some minutes later I heard some quiet sobs, I looked over at Jason and saw tears streaming down his red cheeks and him having one hand on his forehead.

"Jason, what's wrong?" I asked, it sounded like I got worried.

"N-nothing." He sobbed and turned his head to look at the window but he still had his eyes on the road. I mumbled a little 'okay' as an answer.

"So how was your childhood?" I asked and tried to make Jason think about something else.

"It was bad, I lived in an orphanage." Jason said and looked at me.

"In an orphanage?" I asked as my eyes got wide, I doubt if he said orphanage or something else.

"Yes, an orphanage." Jason said and nodded his head.

"What? How was it?" I asked and tried to sound interested, to be honest I actually was interested.

"It was like living in hell. I don't really feel like talking about it." He said and kind of shook it off. He kept his eyes off me and looked at the road.

"I understand," I said and tried to look him in the eyes but he still had them on the road.

About ten minutes later we arrived at my house, now I'm finally home. I stepped out of the car and waved at Jason.

"Thank you!" I said and carefully stepped out.

"Wait." Jason said and got up from his seat, when I got out of the car he hurried over to me. "I need a hug." He said and wrapped his strong tattooed arms around my waist, he lightly caressed my back and kissed my forehead. 'I love you' I heard him whisper in the rain, I think he didn't want me to hear but I did.

"What?" I asked. "Say that again." I said and looked up in his eyes.

"I love you," he told me and looked me in my eyes. I looked into his hazel brown eyes, I could hear the rain pour. I mumbled a little goodbye and walked straight to my door. I looked up at our white house, I can tell that I missed it. I took my hand on the handle and quietly opened it. I felt the smell of flowers, it smelt pretty good.

"Hey." I lightly whisper, I think my mom and dad is very mad at me.

I saw my dad and mom come straight and quickly into the hall and looked at me with angry, mad, happy, sad and nervous eyes. Eyes can tell everything.

"Where have you been?" My dad barked, I quickly backed off. I just can't tell them about Jason, they won't let me meet him.

"I-I slept over w-with m-madelyn." I lied, I tried to tell it as real as possible.

"Why weren't you answering your phone? Did you ignore us? Why are you acting so nervous Chloe!" My mom spat angry at me. I could feel that it wouldn't end good.

"My phone died!" I said and made a face that didn't look so nervous, it looked more like I was very sure about what I said.

"Don't lie to us, your little sister sat home and cried!" My dad said and pointed a finger at me. "You, you have to ask before you sleep over with someone, you could of had come home and just tell us! You didn't even take your pyjamas or toothbrush." My dad continued and harshly grabbed my jacket.

"Calm down!" My mom told dad and took away his hands from my jacket.

"Chloe, listen up. You can't just sleep over with a friend, don't you think we care about you and worry?" Mom said and put a hand on my shoulder.

"I know you do." I told her and got a big lump in my throat. I was mad at myself for not telling the truth, even though I can't tell the truth, Jason would do something unexpected.

"Why did you do it then?" My dad asked and furrowed his eyebrows, I could see that he was still mad.

"I can't just answer that, stop ask so many questions!" I spat, I felt annoyed by their behaviour. I took my dead phone out of my pocket and took off my skin jacket and made my way up the stairs.

"Chloe!" My mom yelled after me. "Just don't do it again." She lightly yelled for me to hear.

"I won't," I promised and made my way up to my big messy room. I put my phone in the charger, and then I laid down in my warm bed and putted the blanket over me and slowly drifted to sleep.


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