19. Cheerleading

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School was done and it was time to go to my cheerleading. I just started with cheerleading then, so I wasn't that good. I walked into the local we were going to meet in. A lot of heads turned to me when I came in through the door, no one of them looked familiar. One girl with orange, long and shiny hair, who had a lot of freckles in her face looked at me with her sparkle eyes. She sent me a glare, like I was about to kill someone. I furrowed my eyebrows at her, but quickly just shook it off.

'Whatever' I mumbled to myself. I laid my bag I had around my shoulder on the ground in a corner, and took off my cardigan since it was summer and it was hot outside. The same girl with orange hair walked up to me. She putted her hand on my shoulder.

"Are you new here?" She asked and rolled her eyes.

"Yes, as you probably can see." I told her, I tried not to be nervous.

"Okay, I don't really appreciate when people just walk into my life and want to start with cheerleading like that." She said and removed her hand from my shoulder. I furrowed my eyebrows at her for the second time, what did she mean? I barely understood her sentence. So rude.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Whatever," she said and rolled her eyes again. She swung her bad smelling hair in my face when she turned and walked away. This time it was my turn to roll my eyes.

All faces turned to me again when she left, the teachers head too. Why am I so special? I tried to look at the faces that was looking at me until a face caught my eye. It was Miranda, the annoying girl in school. The one why was rude to every single person. She looked away when she saw me, so I just ignored her.

"Hello everyone." The teacher smiled. Almost everyone except me mumbled a 'hello' back. "How are you guys doing?" He said. He was already being annoying. "We have a new cheerleader here named Chloe. Do you want to introduce yourself?" He asked me as he smiled. His teeth wasn't straight or white at all.

"Sure. My name is Chloe, and I'm 16 years old. I actually turn 17 in a week. I love to sing and draw, and it will be fun to start with cheerleading." I said and right after I gulped, everything felt awkward. The teacher broke the silence.

"Nice!" He smiled.

-2 hours later-

I was on my way to the hospital, to visit Jason. Yesterday was horrible.


"Jason! What are you doing?" I lightly yelled at him.

"I'm doing something that's good for you, now let me do this Chloe." He cried with a raspy voice. My heart was beating a lot faster. Tears started to run down Jason's cheeks again. He looked so broken.

"JASON!" I yelled, and the next thing I saw was Jason jumping over the grating. Down in the dark, cold, violent sea.


I got chills by just thinking about it. I was happy to see Jason today, I really hoped he was okay. As I arrived at the hospital I walked up to the reception.

"Hey, may I ask you what you're doing here?" A lady with white clothes and black square glasses asked me.

"I'm looking for my, b-boyfriend. He tried to commit suicide last night." I told her, I tried not to cry. I just couldn't stop thinking about everything that happened between us. What if Jason was dead? I was being nervous and I'm not nervous that often.

"What's his name?" The lady asked, as she looked through her computer.

"His name is Jason, Jason McCann." I said and leaned my elbows against the desk that was in front of me. The lady began to look through her computer again. She smiled at me.

"Yes, he is in room 126 on the second floor." She said and pointed at the elevator. I nodded my head and gave her a small smile.

I walked up to the elevator. I shook my head, I decided to take the stairs instead. I walked up to the second floor, and began to look at the numbers on the doors. 122, 123, 124, 125, 126. I took a deep breath, and then knocked on the door three times. No answer, I gulped. I tried to knock again, no answer.

"What are you doing here?" A voice said behind me, it sounded like Jason's voice.

I turned my head to see who it was, it wasn't Jason. It was a boy with brown hair and shining green eyes. He had a towel wrapped around his shoulder. He also had white clothes, so he was probably a nurse.

"I want to see my boyfriend Jason," I answered. The nurse nodded his head. He took up some keys from his pocket, and unlocked the door.

"Thank you." I whisper and quietly walked in to the room. What I saw was Jason laying on the bed, with closed eyes under a blanket. I doubt if he was alive.


Cliffhanger... ;)


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