18. Suicide

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"Please forgive me!" Jason begged and kept pulling me back not to go.

"It's my choice, stop it!" I said and began to hit his chest several times.

Jason was standing in the schoolyard, outside my school. I didn't want people to see him, he always looks so suspicious. I just wanted him to leave, I didn't want to talk to him. My lesson started in five minutes too.

"Do you think my dick was small? Is that why you don't want to forgive me?" He asked all serious, I gasped by his sentence. Why would he say that?

"Stop it Jason!" I barked, he acts like he is five years old sometimes.

"I'm serious! Because you haven't seen it now, it was small just some years ago! It's a lot bigger now," he protested.

"Why are you acting like this? I don't fucking care which size your dick is Jason! You are acting like you're five years old!" I said and crossed my arms over my chest. "My lesson starts now, I have to go and don't you dare to come back after school to apologise!" I lightly yelled. "I never want to see you anymore!"

"If you leave me, I'm done." He said and I could hear him take a deep breath, he crossed his arms over his chest.

"What do you mean with done?" I asked.

"Done, with life!" He said as he nodded his head, I gasped.

"What? Why?" I asked as my eyes got bigger. "You don't need me that much!" I told him.

"I need you more than you think!" He said and dried the tears that was escaping from his hazel eyes. "I never had a girl like you, and you're the best thing that actually happened in my entire life. If you're leaving, I'm literally done with everything."

"So you want to commit suicide if I leave you?" I asked and putted my palm over my mouth.

"You heard it right." His voice cracked. He and began to walk away. My heart started to beat a lot faster.

"No Jason, don't!" I said as a tear escaped from my eye too.

Jason started running instead, somewhere. I just ran after him, wherever he even went. He showed up close to the ocean, I was still behind him. He leaned his stomach against the grating and took a step forward.

"What are you doing, Jason?" I said and grabbed his arm.

"You know what! Now just step away from me and let me do this, I've been waiting for this for so long!" He said and pushed away my arm. "My life was always worthless, I'm still breathing because of you."

"No! I won't let you do it!" I said stern, what was he thinking?

"You don't decide over me! Without you, I'm nothing. Everything I do is wrong, can't you just accept what I'm doing and be a little bit happy instead? You judge every move I take, now just let me go! I don't even deserve you!" Jason said and was about to climb over the grating.

"Just stop it Jason! You raped me one year ago, how do you think I feel?" I said and grabbed Jason's arm again.

"Terrible, and it was my fault to make you feel that way. It's worth it Chloe, just let me do it!" He spat and grabbed my arm tight and quickly pushed it away.

"You will hurt me twice more if you jump," I explained and looked down on the ground.

"Really?" Jason said and sarcastically chuckled. "When you never want to see me again, and wants me to go away you'll care if I die?" He said and rolled his eyes.

"YOU DON'T GET IT! WHEN I SAY I WANT YOU TO LEAVE, I WANT YOU TO STAY-" I started but cut myself off, it was actually true.

"Really?" He asked. "Why don't you say you want me to stay then?" He continued as he climbed off the grating. His feet hit the ground, he sat down on the ground with his knees up in the air. I sat down and bended down to him.

"It's not that easy..." I told him. "All I want to do when we fight is to jump in your arms and say sorry, I just want to cry on your shoulder..." I explained and putted my hands on his knees. Tears was streaming down both me and Jason's cheeks. "I just want to feel your warm and safe arms wrapped around me. I just want to die in your arms." I explained as my voice cracked.

"I can't explain the amount of love I have for you," Jason said and attacked me with a hug. I could easily hear that Jason didn't want to cry, he's not the type of guy who wants to cry in front of people. I smiled weakly at him.

"Let's go somewhere else and forget about this, it's not worth it." I explained and reached out my hand for Jason to take it. He shook his head 'no'. "Why?" I asked.

"Because," he said and stood up. He grabbed my shoulders, and immediately punched me so I fell to the ground. My eyes started to get watery again. He quickly jumped over the grating.

"I love you, Chloe. I hope you'll find your one and only," he said. That was exactly when he jumped.


Kind of shocking haha. Tell me what you think, please write a comment below, it would mean so much <3

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