10. The kiss

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-Chloe's Point Of View-

"No!" Jason said worried, as he hurried up to a white paper that laid on his nightstand. He quickly picked it up, ran in to his walk in closet and hid it in there.

"What was that?" I asked.

"Oh, nothing," Jason said while a little smiled was playing on his pink lips. I sighed as I sat down on his bed. What was he hiding now?

"I have a question," I told Jason and sighed again.

Jason nodded and mumbled a little 'go on' as the also sat down on the bed.

"Why do you even want to hang out with me?" I asked and sighed for the third time.

"Why? Because you are a really pleasant girl and-" He started, he stopped himself in the middle of the sentence. "-and I think I-I."

"What?" I asked him.

"Whatever." He breathed out. I sighed for the fourth time, why was he hiding things?

"So, what should we do then?" I smiled, I was pretty tired. Jason shrugged his shoulders and leaned his back against the wall.

"Maybe we can go out for a walk? Maybe go to the lake?" He asked as he smiled big.

"Sounds good!" I told him as we both sat up from the bed.

I walked down the stairs with Jason following behind me, I continued to walk to the front door until I realised that Jason dissapeard.

"Jason?" I said as I turned my head. No answer. "Jason?" I said a little louder.

"I'm in the kitchen." I heard Jason answer, obviously from the kitchen. I walked straight in to the kitchen to find Jason with a basket in his hands, it was filled with fruits, bread and other stuff.

"What are you doing?" I said as I let out a laugh.

"I thought you and me maybe could have picnic there? It's for me and my beautiful princess," Jason told me as he pouted.

"Thank you, but no need to." I told Jason as I continued to laugh.

When he finished me and Jason walked up to the front door, Jason took his white Adidas shoes on and his black skin jacket. He took his grey Doc Martens backpack and swung in around his shoulder.

"Why are you watching me?" He asked as he waved with his left hand in front of my face. I quickly looked away when I felt that my cheeks turned red. "Are you okay?" He asked as he put his hand on my shoulder and smiled.

"Oh, yes sorry." I apologised and finally looked at him. He smiled big at me. I finally took my shoes and vanilla coloured cardigan on. Me and Jason walked out the door.

"Where is the lake then?" I asked as I rubbed my eyes, I was still tired.

"Just follow me," Jason answered as he took my hand and smiled.

He began to walk away from his house as I followed him wherever he went. He went up on a hill,  suddenly he ran down from it while still holding my hand, I started laughing as I also ran down with him. Suddenly Jason tripped over a stick that laid on the ground, he fell right down on the ground with his head first.

"Jason, are you okay?" I asked as I bent down to him. He slowly closed his eyes as I began to scream. "Jason wake up!" I screamed and started to shook him. My heart started beating faster when I heard someone laughing.

"I'm awake, and I'm fine." Jason laughed, I quickly breathed out.

"Ugh, you scared me!" I told him as I playfully hit him on his chest. He got up from the ground and laughed. "But are you really okay?" I asked.

"Yeah!" Jason laughed as we continued to walk. I rolled my eyes at him. He scared me.

"Dork," I mumbled.

A few minutes later we arrived at a beautiful lake, it was blue/green and had thousand of colourful flowers around it.

"When did you find this lake?" I asked Jason who just looked around like he was lost.

"Oh, I usually go here when I'm sad or mad. Or if I'm really sad I just go and blast a house." Jason said as he smiled like he was innocent. I playfully rolled my eyes at him. I mean, it doesn't surprise me.

"It doesn't surprise me," I told him as I let out laugh. Jason laughed along with me. We both sat down on the green humid grass.

"So, how's life?" Jason asked and gently took my hand.

I could feel that he was very nervous about taking my hand. I smiled at him and held his hand tight, and squeezed it.

"It's good. I'm going to start with cheerleading now, the first lesson is already next week. We already have a competition next month." I explained. "What about your life?" I asked.

"Oh, I'm happy for you. My life is nothing special, I'm just criminal." He explained as he ran a hand through his bright brown hair.

"Are you like, very very very criminal?" I asked seriously.

"Uhm, maybe. Or I don't know, kind of," he told me and shrugged his shoulders like it was nothing. "I just randomly kill innocent people on the street sometimes, but don't judge. It's just me," Jason continued and looked down.

"What really made you decide to become a criminal boy?" I asked, I've always wanted to know.

"Well, I lived in an orphanage and it was very hard to live there without someone who actually took care of me well. I always felt lonely and then I moved in with these other criminal boys and I just randomly became criminal, it's not something you really choose. The big part of it is because I had anger issues which I still have and so on..." He explained as he sighed.

"Oh, I think I understand." I told him. "And I have one more question, what did you mean a few days ago with me being your victim?" I asked.

"Oh, we can forget that. You'll know soon... But let's leave this subject, do you want to swim in the lake with me?" Jason asked while smiling at me.

"No, I'm fine." I sighed. "I don't even have my bikini." I giggled.

"You can always swim naked!" He teased as he smirked. He winked with one eye at me.

"Eww, hell no that I would swim naked with you!" I told him while laughing.

"Well, okay then. You win. But we can swim with clothes on!" He said, he looked proud that he solved the problem.

"Okay, now you won." I laughed. Jason carefully walked down in the water, as he started to swim around.

"C'mon," Jason said and reached his hand out for me. I gently took it as he dragged me out in the water.

"Oh my god, no. It's so freaking cold." I cried while still laughing a little bit. We both swam around for almost 20 minutes until Jason spoke up.

"You are so beautiful." He told me as he looked me in the eyes, while caressing my cheek.

"Thanks." I giggled as I looked down on the transparent water.

I closed my tired heavy eyes. Suddenly I felt some soft, warm, loving lips touch my lips.


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