7. Project

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"And this painting," he started and pointed at a painting with black scratches. "It's a bad memory, of when my dad used to abuse my mom in public... Everyone just stood there watching without doing anything, me or my brothers couldn't do something because my dad always handcuffed us." Jason sadly smiled. I stood there just as shocked as I was when he told me he lived in an orphanage, but I was more shocked this time.

"What?" I asked and widened my eyes.

"Yes, he handcuffed us and soon the police found him and he went to jail, my mom to the hospital and she passed away because of the stress and me and my brothers got forced to live in an orphanage..." Jason explained as a tear escaped from his eye.

"I'm sorry," I told him and dried his tear with my thumb.

"Do you promise me that you won't tell anyone? I'm very honest with you." Jason told me and smiled a little.

"Yes, I promise." I promised, I really didn't knew he had a tough childhood. I thought he had a normal childhood with honest and kind parents, it really affects me.

It was a loud knock on the door.

"Come in!" Jason yelled for the person who was standing outside to hear him. Federico tripped in through the door and immediately smiled when he saw me.

"Hey Chloe." He said and hugged me, a friend hug.

"Hey Federico!" I smiled and hugged him to, when Jason punched him of me.

"Don't hug her, she's just mine!" Jason said and sent him a death glare.

"I'm no one's." I spat and crossed my arms over my chest. "We're not even dating Jason," I told him.

"Don't even fucking start! You're just mine, no one's gonna touch you and-" Jason started until Federico cut him off.

"Okay, whatever." Federico smiled, he was always so happy and positive. "Chloe, I wonder if you want to help me with my project for school?" Federico asked uncertain, he still had a little smile playing on his red lips.

"Sure!" I smiled at him.

"So you're not hanging out with me then?" Jason said and made a sad face.

"We can do it all together!" I told them and smiled while trying to solve the problem.

"No I'll do something else." Jason said and tried to push me and Federico out of the room, while he rolled his hazel eyes.

"C'mon Jason! Don't be so dramatic," I told him and sighed.

"I said I'll do something else!" Jason snapped.

"Okay then," I sighed and went out of the room with Federico.

Why does he always have to be so dramatic? Can't he just act normal as a normal human being. Me and Federico went downstairs and we both sat down on the couch.

"So what is your project about?" I asked as I smiled.

"The project is about doing a paper with small stripes on, around five hundred stripes and I don't know what form I should have. I don't know if I should do a star or a heart or a circle or something else." Federico sighed. "So I want your help," Federico said as he lightened up in a smile. I slowly nodded.

"Okay, maybe we can do a pizza slice as the form?" I laughed and clapped my hands together.

"Yes, that would be perfect!" Federico said serious, and a second later he laughed along with me. I asked him if he had the big paper and he obviously said yes. We walked up to the big paper on the table and found news papers to cut in.

"What about this?" I asked as I showed Federico the perfect form I made.

"Perfect, let's fill it with other stripes" Federico told me as I studied the white paper. I quickly nodded.

-30 minutes later-

"Can we continue tomorrow or another day instead?" Federico sighed and rubbed his dark brown eyes.

"Yes of course, I'm also tired." I sighed I relief, in relief because I was too tired to do this. Suddenly the doorbell rang and a shocked, tired Jason ran into Federico's room.

"It was fucking today!" Jason yelled at Federico and sent him a glare.

"What?" Federico said all calm.

"It was fucking today the robbery was!" Jason spat angrily at Federico. "Why aren't you with us? Is the fucking project more important?" Jason asked while yelling.

"Was it today?" Federico asked in embarrassment.

"Yes, hurry the flying fuck up!" He spat angrily, took his car keys and quickly ran out the door.

Federico hid his face in his hands because he probably thought it was embarrassing. I really wondered what type of robbery it was.

"Why are you guys robbing stores?" I asked and furrowed my eyebrows at Federico.

"I don't have time for this," Federico told me, and hurried upstairs to his room.

Later Federico came back downstairs and ran out the door, before he even closed it I yelled:

"What am I going to do alone here in your house?"

"I don't know! Bye, I'll be back in barely 4 hours." Federico yelled and left me alone, in their house with a shocked face.


Sorry for a short chapter, have a nice day 😚

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