24. Hurt

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"This will only hurt a little bit," I explained as I began to put rubbing alcohol on his deep wound, it was around three centimetres deep. I saw him wince in pain as I fixed his wound. As we were done, we directly went to his bed. "I'm so sorry for not doing anything," I explained as we both laid down in his king sized bed. I wrapped my arms around his stomach and gently rest my head on his bare chest.

"I wouldn't even let you do anything so you shouldn't apologise. Mark is such a dangerous person. Don't even dare to apologise because I'll always be the one who protects you from everything that comes past you, princess." Jason explained as he wrapped his right tattooed arm around my shoulder.

"Thank you," I sighed. "How are you feeling then?" I asked as I looked up in his gorgeous hazel eyes.

"Good, now that you're with me." He said and sent me a small smile. A smile formed on my pink lips, I snuggled myself into Jason's chest when I realised that I was blushing. "Baby girl, I want to sleep..." Jason sighed and lightly closed his eyes.

"Go to sleep then," I laughed and began to caress his soft cheek.

"You wanna sleep too?" He asked and kissed my forehead. I nodded my head and rest my head on his chest again. I smiled at the thought of him, he's so beautiful. "Goodnight, baby girl."

My eyes slowly closed and I drifted to sleep.

-3.15 am-

I woke up by a loud painful scream from the bathroom in Jason's room. I quickly flew up from the bed and looked around the room, Jason wasn't in the bed anymore. My eyes widened. I gently stood up from the bed, and made my way over to the bathroom while being frightened. I quickly knocked on the door gently. No answer. I furrowed my eyebrows, what was happening?

"Jason," I quietly said and knocked on the door again. I placed my hand on the handle and tried to open the door, but sadly it was locked. "Jason, open the door!" I said and kept knocking.

"Get away!" He cried. My heart started to beat faster. I furrowed my eyebrows again and kept knocking on the door. I wanted to know what he was doing.

"What are you doing?"

"I said get away!" He yelled at me.

"Just open the damn door!" I spat, as I heard one more painful scream and someone crying, it sounded like Jason. "What's wrong?" I asked.

"Go back to sleep, just go!" He kept crying. I started to panic.

"Jason open the damn door, I want to know what's wrong!" I yelled. "Open the door if you love me."

He immediately unlocked the door, I lightly smiled as I walked in the bathroom, but my smile just faded as fast as it appeared. What I saw was Jason sitting in pain on the floor, with a razor blade in his hand, and a bloody wrist, both stained and wet tears on his cheeks, and he had red puffy eyes. My whole vision started to get blurry, as I broke down on the floor crying.

"Chloe..." Jason said. "I'm sorry," he told me as his voice cracked. I immediately fell into his arms, his bloody wrist got wrapped around me but I couldn't care less at the moment.

"Why are you doing this?" I cried as I tried to dry my tears but it just came more tears. Jason sighed.

"Chloe, my life was a-always hard." He told me. "It's complicated," he sniffled as more precious tears streamed down his cheeks.

"Just don't do this!" I protested while tears kept running down my cheeks. "I'm always here for you, and I love you!" I said, I was buried into his chest.

"I love you too," he sighed. "I just can't do this anymore."


"This is the dinning room," I explained to William. I smiled and pointed at the food that laid on the tables. William nodded his head. "The school lunch sucks," I told him.

"The school lunch sucked at my last school too, so it doesn't surprise me." William said. I nodded my head, the school lunch sucks everywhere. "Gladly we don't have to pay for it," he told me. I nodded my head in agreement.

After showing William around in school, we both were tired. We headed to a park close to the school, because we had 35 minutes break from school.

"So, what do you want to do?" William asked with a pleasant smile.

"I don't know," I told him.

"Would you like to go get an ice cream with me? It's over here," he asked. He ran his fingers through his blonde hair. I shrugged my shoulders because I didn't have any money.

"Sorry but I don't have any money with me," I explained.

"It's alright, I brought money I'll pay for you." He said. I rolled my eyes at the fact that boys always wants to pay. It annoys me like you shouldn't waste your money on an ice cream for me.

I shook it off and nodded my head as we went over to the ice cream bar.

"What would you guys like to have?" The cashier asked. He had a cap and a little bit of black beard, he also had white clothes and a little breach which was a sign of him working at the ice cream bar. He looked excited, probably too much ice cream.

"I would like one scoop with vanilla, and another scoop with blueberry ice cream." William explained to the cashier. He nodded his head and made the ice cream for him.

"What would you like young lady?" The "ice cream man" asked me.

"I would like to have a scoop of vanilla too, and another scoop of liquorice." I told him with a smile. He nodded his head and made my ice cream too.

After eating our delicious ice creams we headed back to school.


Oh my god, what a boring chapter. Next one will be a little bit funnier/more drama. Thank you all so much for reading, it mean sooo much. I've been thinking about something, Jason seems so weak in my story hahah I personally think this fanfiction sucks, I'm working on another one that's a lot better!

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