Part One - Fear Of Admitting The Truth

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Sebastian Vettel walked around the Melbourne circuit, trying to find out where he was going. The rookie, new to F1, had no idea where the Toro Rosso garage was. He was completely lost. It was his first race of his first season in F1, but had anyone bothered to tell him where to go? No. He had his new Toro Rosso race suit on, but walking around hopelessly made him feel like a total idiot.
"You alright there, mate?"
He turned around, staring up at a man in a Honda race suit.  Sebastian recognised his face, but couldn't match it with a name.
Sebastian shook his head, "I'm lost."
The stranger smiled at him, "C'mon, I'll take you to your garage. I'm Jenson by the way."
Jenson Button! That's where he knew the face from!
The two drivers walked through the paddock, talking away, Jenson wanting to find out more about the rookie. Sebastian couldn't believe who he was actually walking with! THE Jenson Button! But eventually, they both reached the home of Toro Rosso.
"Well, here ya go kid. See you on the race track" Jenson said, messing up Seb's hair.
"Hey! I'll overtake you on the first corner!" Sebastian grinned at him, pushing his hand off.
"I like you kiddo, tell you what, stick with me yeah? I'm sure you're gonna need someone to stay with round here" Jenson offered.
"Y-you mean, we can be friends?" Sebastian asked, slightly shocked.
"Yeah, why not! You're a great kid. Stick with me and you'll be fine."
And he did. Ever since then, Sebastian had been best friends with Jenson. It was now 2012 and everyone was preparing for Australia.  Sebastian had just landed in Australia. He was supposed to be meeting Jenson at the airport, but he hadn't heard anything from him yet.
"You coming mate?" Mark Webber, Sebastian's racing partner, asked him.
"No, I'm going to wait for Jenson to get here, but thanks for the offer" Sebastian replied to his Aussie team mate.
"Suit yourself. You and Jense are stuck together like glue!" Mark laughed, walking ahead to catch up with Christian Horner.
Sebastian chuckled to himself at Mark's comment. He sat on a wall, his feet resting on his suitcase, patiently waiting for Jenson to arrive. His phone suddenly vibrated in his pocket.
From: Jense
'Just got to the airport, where are you?'
Sebastian smiled at his phone, quickly texting back his British friend. Jenson, meanwhile, was wandering around the airport hopelessly looking for Sebastian. His phone vibrated, showing a reply from Sebastian.
From: Sebi
'By terminal 2. Hurry up, haven't seen you in ages! ;)'
Jenson smiled to himself, stuffing his phone back in his pocket. HIs eyes wandered around the airport, searching for the 'Terminal 2' sign. Eventually, after minutes of endlessly looking around, he spotted the Red Bull driver across the way. Jenson walked towards him and it didn't take long for the young German to notice him. A grin appeared on Sebastian's face when Jenson finally reached him.
"Jense!" Sebastian said, still grinning.
"Hey Sebi! Feels like we haven't seen each other in ages!" Jenson hugged Sebastian, giving Sebastian a warm feeling inside.
The two drivers began their walk out of the airport and out to catch a taxi to get to their hotel. The 'Hotel de Paris' to be exact.

See, the thing is, Sebastian had a secret. Ever since Spa in 2010, when the two drivers collided, Sebastian had fallen in love with Jenson, more than just the friendly manner. He'd realised he wanted Jenson, but he'd never experienced love like this before. Sebastian did have a girlfriend, but he knew after falling for Jenson, he couldn't be with any girl to be happy. But he feared that Jenson would be disgusted if he told him.
Jenson, although he may not have shown it, had a small crush on Sebastian. To Jenson, Sebastian seemed perfect. He loved everything about Seb, but the only problem he had was that Jenson feared he was too old to date Sebastian. Jenson never dared to talk to Sebastian about it, just in case their friendship was ruined.

So either way, neither of the two was going to find out their love for each other anytime soon....

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