Part Fourteen - I Don't Want To Be Alone

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It had been a few weeks since Jenson and Sebastian's break up and Sebastian wasn't handling it very well. He spent a lot of the spare time he had between interviews and team meetings alone in his hotel room. Every time he walked outside, people from the media would rush up to him, asking questions about Jenson and his previous relationship with the Brit. It annoyed and upset Sebastian a lot but he couldn't get away from the attention. He didn't want to talk about Jenson to anyone, especially not the relationship. One day, while walking with Heikki Huovinen, his trainer, about six interviewers came up to him and the harassment begun.

"Sebastian, can we talk about Jenson?"

"How long were you in a relationship with Jenson?"

"Why did you over take Jenson when Rocky told you not to?"

Sebastian tried to block out the questions but the constant mention of Jenson was almost reducing him to tears. Heikki looked at Sebastian sympathetically, realising the pain the press were putting him through.

"Hey!" Heikki suddenly shouted.

Everyone went quiet. Sebastian looked up at Heikki, wondering what he was doing. All the attention from the media was suddenly turned to Heikki.

"Just leave Sebastian alone. Can't you see he doesn't want you all constantly on his back? Also, cut it out with the personal questions! His relationship with Jenson is none of your business so back off!" Heikki said, a clear sense of anger in his voice.

He turned to look at Sebastian, who still looked shocked at how Heikki had reacted to the press. Heikki placed his hand on Seb's back.

"Come on, Sebastian" Heikki said, "Let's go."

Sebastian, close to Heikki's side, walked away from the interviewers. He'd never seen Heikki get so protective and angry before. As the pair got closer to the Red Bull motor home, Sebastian felt the urge to hug Heikki. Not the usual hug like he gave when he won races, he wanted to hug him and not let go. They walked through the doors and Heikki took him upstairs to a side room. The moment the door was shut and Heikki was facing him, Sebastian threw himself at the Finn, clutching his waist tight. As Seb cried onto his chest, Heikki looked down at him, feeling so much sympathy for him. He wrapped his arms round him tight, trying to comfort Sebastian as best as he could. Sebastian's cries got harder, saying how he was a bad person and didn't deserve to be with anyone ever again.

"Oh Seb, don't say that" Heikki didn't usually call him Seb, but this time it felt necessary.

"B-but it's true" Sebastian cried.

"You made a mistake, that doesn't mean you don't deserve anyone or that you're a bad person."

Sebastian hugged his trainer tighter, resting his head in the gap of Heikki's neck.



"Do we have to do anything else today?"

"Free practice doesn't start until tomorrow so you've got the rest of the day free now."

Sebastian looked up at him, "Can you take me back to the hotel, please?"

"Sure thing, Sebastian."

But Sebastian frowned, making Heikki quite confused.

"What?" Heikki asked.

"I prefer it when you call me Seb..." Sebastian muttered.

"Oh, okay" Heikki answered, loosening his grip on the German, "Let's go, Seb."

Sebastian followed behind Heikki out of the Red Bull motor home and back out to the paddock. As Sebastian looked around him, people were staring. Fans usually came up to him, asking for autographs and photos but no one seemed to care. The looks he received felt like a stabbing pain in his heart, whether it was from the previous race or if it was the fact he was gay, he'd never know. All he did know was that it was the worst feeling he'd ever experienced in his life.

Heikki drove Sebastian back to the hotel, every so often looking at him, seeing the pain he was in. Heikki usually only saw him as his boss, but recently he'd been seeing him as much more than his boss. He'd been in love with Sebastian for about 2 months. He wanted to help Seb, look after him. Heikki couldn't bear seeing him in this state. He'd noticed that Sebastian had changed massively and he knew it wasn't right. When they reached the hotel, they went through the back entrance to avoid any media trying to catch Seb. The two managed to get to the elevator without any troubles.

"Hey, Seb?" Heikki asked.

Sebastian turned his head, "Hm?"

"You want something to eat?"

Sebastian shook his head, "I'm not hungry..."

 The elevator finally reached the right floor and Sebastian and Heikki walked down the corridor.

"So, what are you going to do now?" Heikki asked, curiously.

"Sleep. I just want to sleep..." Sebastian sighed, sadly.

The sadness was building up in Heikki, he just wanted to cuddle Sebastian and not let go, wipe away his tears and tell him everything would be okay. But he couldn't do that, he worried that Sebastian would find it weird for his trainer to be so affectionate towards him.

"Heikki, did you hear me?"

Heikki suddenly realised he was completely in his own world and that Sebastian had been talking to him.

"Sorry, Seb, what did you say?"

"I said, can you stay with me? I don't want to be left alone."

Heikki hesitated, but how could he leave Seb on his own in this state?

"Of course I will."

Sebastian pulled out his key-card for his hotel room, letting himself and Heikki in. Heikki closed the door, and then followed Sebastian, who had already gone to the bedroom. He'd kicked off his trainers, sat on the edge of the bed.

"Come on, Seb" Heikki said calmly, "Lie down and sleep for a while."

Sebastian lay down, but looked over at Heikki.



Sebastian had tears in his eyes as he patted the empty space next to him. Heikki gazed down at him, the look from him indicating he wanted the affection that Heikki felt too afraid to give him. Heikki eventually found himself kicking his own trainers off and laying down beside him. Sebastian shuffled closer, resting his head on Heikki's chest and placing his hand on his waist. Heikki found it a bit strange to begin with how Seb had just made these actions so easily, but Heikki didn't mind. He stroked the tips of Sebastian's hair, as if it were a natural thing to do. Sebastian's cries fell silent as he drifted off to sleep. Heikki wiped the tears from his boss' face, feeling the tears fall from his own eyes.

"You'll never be alone, Seb" Heikki whispered, "I'll always be here for you."

A/N: I'm so sorry this took so long to upload! I kept getting writers block & I'd write random little bits then couldn't think of anything to go with it! Part 15 should be up quicker than this one was! Enjoy anyway ♥

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