Part Nine - We're Going To Be Fine, I Promise

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Sebastian and Jenson turned to see their team principles, Christian Horner and Martin Whitmarsh, looking very shocked. Christian didn't look as angry as Martin did, but he didn't look very impressed.

"Seb, my office?" Christian said, rather calmly.

Sebastian looked up at Jenson, who nodded at him. Just as Sebastian started to walk towards Christian, he quickly turned back to kiss Jenson before he left.

"Thank you" Sebastian said, "I love you so much."

"You're welcome" Jenson smiled, "I love you too."

Sebastian walked back to Christian, looking at the annoyed expression on Christian's face. The walk to Christian's office was a silent and very awkward one. Sebastian stared at his feet the entire way there, walking slightly behind Christian. As they walked into the Red Bull HQ, Sebastian started to wonder why he was being called away from Jenson in the first place.

"Sit down Seb" Christian said, finally breaking the silence.

Sebastian sat, as did Christian. Then it went silent again for a minute.

"What are you playing at Seb?" Christian asked.

"What do you mean 'playing at'?" Sebastian seemed extremely confused.

"You and Jenson!" Christian raised his voice.

"There's nothing wrong with me and Jenson..."

"Do you want to give this team a bad image? You're supposed to be rivals with him!"

Sebastian got angry, "Have you got a problem with me being gay, Christian?"

Christian went silent.

"I love Jenson, Christian. He means everything to me. When I'm annoyed with something or I'm upset, he seems to be the only one who cares! To be honest, I don't understand why this is such a problem for you. It's my love life, not anyone else's, so why do you seem so damn bothered if I'm gay or not?! Do you not want me to be happy, Christian? Or does producing a champion who wins all the time only seem to be important to you? Do my feelings not matter? I'm not a damn robot Christian; my heart loves Jenson just as much as it loves this team. But right now, I'm starting to question my trust with my team boss!" Sebastian shouted, getting up ready to storm out of the room.

Just as he got to the door, Sebastian turned back to Christian, who seemed to look very guilty after raging at him.

"And being gay is going to give this team a bad image? How much more homophobic can you get?"

Then Sebastian slammed the door behind him. Christian sighed with his head in his hands.

Meanwhile, at McLaren...

"Jenson, what the hell are you up to?!" Martin asked angrily.

"I was kissing Sebastian" Jenson answered simply, "I'm gay, Martin."

"So you thought it would be a good idea to carry out acts like this early into the season?" Martin said, "And if I remember rightly, you wanted to win this year!"

"How is being gay going to stop me from winning the championship?" Jenson asked confused.

"Jenson, Sebastian is your rival!" Martin shouted.

"I know that, I'm not stupid, Martin!" Jenson argued.

"Well, you seem stupid enough to be causing gossip around the paddock, throughout the drivers and the teams, not to mention your own team!" Martin shouted, "You need to think before you act!"

Jenson was reduced to tears. All the shouting from his team boss was bringing him to breaking point.

"I can't help that I love him, Martin!" Jenson shouted, "This is my life! Let me get on with it!"

Jenson turned on his heels, ready to walk away, but thought of one more thing to say.

"Oh, and if gay is going to make me lose the championship, how about you focus on Lewis winning the bloody championship? Or even better, why don't you just let me go? I'm not changing for anyone Martin and no one can stop me from loving Sebastian!"

Before Martin could add anything else, Jenson ran off. With tears dripping down his face, he ran to the paddock. He knew that Sebastian was bound to be around here somewhere. The paddock was empty, no one else was around. He reached the Pirelli HQ, looking round for Sebastian through his upset. Jenson stood there, feeling hopeless, and wiped his eyes with his hand. But the tears just kept forming and falling. Suddenly, he heard footsteps coming towards him.


Through tear-filled eyes, he saw Sebastian running towards him. Jenson almost jumped on him, and Sebastian hugged him tight.

"Jense, what happened?" Sebastian asked.

"Martin shouted at me" Jenson sobbed into Sebastian's shoulder.

"Christian shouted at me too..." Sebastian sighed sadly, "But that's okay, I told him straight how I felt about this."

Sebastian had never realised just how sensitive Jenson was. Then again, Sebastian had never seen Jenson cry before, and seeing this pulled his heartstrings so badly. He didn't want to let Jenson go, he just wanted to keep his close for as long as he could.

"Sebi?" Jenson said, sounding calmer than before.

"Yeah?" Sebastian replied.

Jenson looked up at Sebastian, looking him in the eyes before kissing him softly, passionately. Jenson's hands rested on Sebastian's hips as the kiss deepened. After a few minutes, Jenson started crying again and stopped kissing Sebastian.

"Jense? Are you okay?" Sebastian asked, concerned for his partner.

"I told Martin that..." Jenson choked on his words.

"Told Martin what?" Sebastian questioned.


Sebastian held Jenson's shoulders, looking him straight in the eyes. Jenson sighed sadly as Sebastian wiped his tears away.

"I told Martin that if being gay was that much of a problem, he should just..." Jenson sighed, "...let me go."

Sebastian's eyes widened in horror. The only thing going round his mind was, 'what?!'

"I'm sorry, Sebi. I just panicked. I-I didn't know what else to say..." Jenson cried.

Sebastian hugged the Brit tight. He still couldn't believe that Jenson had just put his job on the line. But then again, so had he...

"Jense, look at me."

Jenson looked up at Sebastian; the tears dripped down his face, his eyes sparkling with more ready to fall. Sebastian sighed.

"It's okay because... because I put my job on the line too. I told Christian that I was questioning my trust with him..." Sebastian admitted, "...I wouldn't be surprised if I'm gone next season."

"Oh Sebi, don't think like that. We're going to be fine, I promise. I've got you and you've got me, we're happy, right?"

Jenson held Sebastian's hands as Sebastian smiled at him.

"Yeah and I'm glad I've got you" Sebastian smiled.

"Good" Jenson kissed Sebastian gently, "Cos I'm not going anywhere in a hurry. Besides, no one is going to change us and what we have."

A/N: I'm sure Christian and Martin aren't this horrible in real life, they must be lovely, but somehow there had to be drama between boss and driver. Hope you enjoy it anyway :)

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