Part Twenty - I've Missed You

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It had been one month and four days since Jenson, who had now realised this, had made the biggest mistake of his life. He thought that after the first couple of days he would be over Sebastian and ready to move on in life, except it didn't really work out like that. Instead of things getting better for him, they just seemed to get worse. 

There were the sleepless nights where Jenson would lay there unable to sleep, either for the entire night or for very few hours. Every time he closed his eyes all he'd see was the moment in the media square in Belgium. The upset and embarrassment on Sebastian's face made Jenson feel guiltier every time he replayed the memory. This wasn't what he wanted to be remembered for; the McLaren driver who humiliated his lover in front of the world. He wished, oh so badly, that he could go back in time and make sure that had never happened. 

It was the day before qualifying and practice was over for the day. The entire week Jenson had been trying to talk to Sebastian by calling him on his phone and by texting him. But, as Jenson had suspected, he never answered. It broke the Brit's heart. He felt as if he really had lost him for good. But after a good hour on thinking about it, he wasn't going to stop trying. He needed to see Sebastian, no matter what the cost. 

It had been 3 hours since practice was over. Jenson was sat in his hotel room, fiddling with his phone in his hands, desperate to call Sebastian again. Although, he knew there wasn't much point as he wouldn't answer, but he thought he'd try again anyway. Holding the iPhone up to his ear, listening to the ringing, Jenson sighed. The guilt was becoming far too much for him to handle any more. But sadly, just as he thought Sebastian had picked up, the answer phone message kicked in:

'I'm sorry I can't take your call right now, I'll try and get back to you later.'

Hitting 'End Call', Jenson put his phone down beside him before resting his head in his hands. Every attempt at getting Sebastian's attention had failed so far; he needed to step things up. After a good five minutes of thought, Jenson decided he would go and see him personally. Placing his phone in the pocket of his jeans and picking up his hotel room key from the bedside table, Jenson stepped out of the room and into the hallway. Scanning the corridor for any other drivers or team employees, Jenson made his way down to the hotel lobby. He usually knew which room number was Sebastian's, but since the break-up, there was no need to know it any more.

Jenson wandered through the near-empty lobby and up to the reception desk. A young man, who looked extremely tired after a long day, looked up at the driver while stifling a yawn.

"Good evening, sir, how can I help you?" He asked, smiling through a tired face.

"Can you tell me the room number of Sebastian Vettel, please? Or perhaps lend me a spare key? We race together, both in Formula One and it's urgent that I see him."

To Jenson's surprise, the receptionist happily handed over a key numbered 429. He thought the receptionist would've asked him other questions before even considering giving him the key, such as 'why can't you ask another driver for the room number?' or 'why don't you just go and knock on his door yourself?'. 

"Thank you, have a good night" Jenson said politely, taking the key from him. 

"You're welcome. Thank you, you as well sir." 

Jenson hurried back into the hotel lift, pushing the 'Level 4' button. Room 429 was on the same floor as his own; room 412. As the doors closed, Jenson began to get nervous. What would happen if he got to the door and Sebastian had a full blown argument with him? 

Jenson, stop thinking of the worst things that could happen!' Jenson thought to himself, 'He may still love you; you need to stop thinking so negatively about this!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2014 ⏰

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