Part Twelve - Romantic Isn't My Specialty

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Sebastian sat in silence for a little while, picking at the blades of grass he was surrounded by.
Jenson looked down at the younger man, "Yeah?"
"Can we do something tonight? We haven't really gone out and done anything together, we've just been hanging around the tracks. I'm not bothered what we do, even if it's just a walk or something, I just want to spend time with you" Sebastian replied, still picking at the grass.
Jenson sat beside him, placing his hand on one of Sebastian's. Sebastian looked at him, staring into Jenson's gleaming blue eyes which were almost as blue as his own.
"What did you have in mind?" Jenson asked.
"You'll have to find out" Sebastian grinned, standing up, "Just be ready in the lobby for five, okay?"
"Alright then" Jenson replied.
Sebastian went to run off back to the track when Jenson made him stop.
"So you're just going to leave me hanging?" Jenson called, winding up Seb for not kissing him before he wandered off.
Sebastian, who hadn't turned to look at Jenson, smirked. He peered over his shoulder, seeing Jenson was turned with his back to him, rambling on to himself about being 'annoyed' that he hadn't been kissed. Sebastian crept up behind him and tapped his shoulder. As Jenson turned round Sebastian grabbed the Brit's face and kissed him hard, causing Jenson to stagger backwards a little. Although it was rough act from Sebastian, Jenson found it a mixture of two feelings; passion and lust. Jenson rested his hands on Sebastian's waist, hoping for something deeper, but it seemed as soon as Seb started, he pulled away.
"Come on, let's go back to the hotel" Sebastian said, taking one of Jenson's hands.
Jenson and Sebastian wandered back towards the paddocks; Jenson began to wonder what Sebastian had planned for tonight. When the couple got to the hotel, it was 4:15pm.
"Is there a dress code for tonight?" Jenson asked, standing outside his hotel room.
Sebastian shook his head, "It's nothing formal, wear whatever you want to."
After one more quick kiss, the pair separated to their own rooms. Jenson headed straight to the bathroom for a shower. As the warm water beat down on him, he wished that Sebastian was with him. Jenson sighed, thinking 'maybe tomorrow' to share such a moment with the man he loved most in his life. He stepped out the shower, wrapping a towel round his waist and walking out to where his closet was. As there wasn't a dress code, Jenson grabbed out a pair of jeans, white t-shirt and grey jacket and began to get changed.

Meanwhile, Sebastian was sat on his bed thinking about later on. He hadn't really planned this out very well, but he just hoped Jenson was going to like what he had planned. It wasn't much but at the end of the day, he just wanted express how much he loved Jenson.
Sebastian was already dressed and it was 4:50pm so he decided to make his way downstairs to the lobby. He didn't bother taking a jacket as he purely couldn't be bothered with one, as well as it being the middle of the summer, he thought it would be too hot at night to wear one. As he reached the lobby, he spotted Jenson leaning against a wall near the doors. Happily, yet nervous, Sebastian walked over to him.
"Hey" Sebastian said, standing in front of Jenson, "You ready for this?"
"Hey love" Jenson smiled, "You bet I'm ready!"
The pair made their way out to Sebastian's car, his own Infiniti FX Vettel Edition. By the time they were on their way to Seb's secret location, Sebastian kept worrying that Jenson wasn't going to be impressed with what he had planned. He shook his head lightly, trying to put all bad thoughts out of his mind.
After around 15 minutes of driving, Sebastian turned in and parked. Jenson looked at him, noticing he didn't look happy.
"Sebi, what's the matter?" Jenson asked, concerned.
"Nothing..." Sebastian sighed, not turning to look at Jenson.
"Sebi, I know when you're upset. I can tell something's up" Jenson replied, reaching for Sebastian's hand and holding it.
"Maybe this was a bad idea... I haven't planned it properly, it's too soon" Sebastian mumbled, tears forming in his eyes.
"Love, nothing is too soon. No matter what we're doing right now or whenever, whether it's planned or not, it doesn't matter because I'm with you" Jenson said calmly, "C'mon, get out and we'll calm you down, okay?"
Sebastian nodded without looking up and got out the driver's seat, with Jenson following from the other side. Staring at the floor, Seb sat up on the car bonnet with Jenson standing in front of him. He carefully intertwined his hand with the German's shaky hand and wiped the tears from his face.
"What did you have planned anyway, love?" Jenson asked.
"Well, it's n-nothing special..." Sebastian cried quietly, still not facing Jenson.
Jenson looked around him. He noticed they were at a clearing. A wide area of grass with a stream nearby, all lit in the moonlight and watched over by stars dotted in the sky. Jenson turned back to Sebastian and gently pulled him off the bonnet.
"Come on, let's go over here" Jenson said, pulling on Sebastian's hands, walking him toward the clearing.
Sebastian had stopped crying and realised he was making a fool of himself. He followed Jenson further into the clearing by the stream. Jenson stopped and lay down on the grass. Sebastian lay down next to him, resting his head on the Brit's chest as Jenson put his arm around Seb. The couple lay there for what seemed like hours, talking and laughing. But Jenson stopped and asked Sebastian a question:
"Sebi, why were you upset earlier? I need to know."
Sebastian sat up and sighed, "I didn't think you'd like or be impressed with this. I hadn't planned this at all, I just randomly thought of it when we were sat out on track earlier. It's not the best, but at least we're together..."
"Sebastian Vettel, I love everything you do. Don't you ever think that I'm not going to like something you've come up with. It doesn't matter what we do or where we are, all that matters is that I'm with you. Being with you makes me the happiest man alive; it always has, even before we became a couple. You're so special to me. I love you the way you are, so don't change anything you do to try and please me because you're perfect to me already" Jenson smiled, gazing at Sebastian.
Sebastian was almost reduced to tears but held them back. He blushed deeply and tried to hide his face but it was a pointless attempt as Jenson noticed instantly.
"Aw Jense, you're such a softy" Sebastian said, unable to hide his smile.
"As are you Sebi, you're not the tough Bull everyone sees you to be when you're with me" Jenson laughed, "Besides, this place is so perfect, let alone romantic!"
"Romantic isn't my specialty..." Sebastian replied.
"It is now! Just look at this place... It's amazing! Even I couldn't come up with anything as good as this!"  Jenson said admiring the surroundings.
"I'm guessing you like it then?"
"Like it? Sebi, I love it!"
Jenson hugged Sebastian from behind, resting his head on Seb's shoulder and kissed his cheek.
"Especially as I'm here with you."
Jenson's hug was warm, but Sebastian started to feel quite cold. He didn't think it would be as cold as this, so he never bothered bringing a jacket. Jenson noticed Sebastian shivering and let go of him.
"Here..." Jenson pulled off his hoodie, "...put this on. I don't want you freezing."
"Thanks Jense" Sebastian smiled, taking the hoodie.
Jenson watched Sebastian putting on his hoodie, smiling. It was a little big for him, but Jenson saw it as a cute thing as Sebastian had the sleeves covering his hands. Jenson placed his arms back around Seb's waist from behind, cuddling the young German to help keep him warm.
"Thank you" Jenson said.
"For what?" Sebastian asked curiously.
"For doing all this for us. I love you so much and now, I don't care if people find out about us. I'm happy with you, more happy than I've ever been in my life."
Sebastian smiled and looked down at the floor, his face flushed pure red. He'd never felt so loved and adored before. Jenson made him so happy.
"There was one thing I forgot though..." Sebastian added quickly.
"What? There's doesn't seem to be anything missing-"
"I didn't bring any food..." Sebastian mumbled.
"That doesn't matter, we'll get something back at the hotel!"
The couple spent hours at the clearing. They chased each other in the open field; lay there talking under the stars; Jenson even pushed Sebastian into the stream at one point! Jenson looked at Sebastian, who was still dripping wet, but noticed him yawning a lot.
"Come on Seb, you seem tired" Jenson said, walking towards him.
Sebastian nodded and Jenson offered him a piggy-back on the way back to the car.
"But I'm soaked" Sebastian said to Jenson.
"So? Sebi it's not that far to the car" Jenson replied as Sebastian jumped onto his back.
On the way back to the car, Jenson noticed that Sebastian had gone rather quiet. He turned his head slightly and quickly realised that Sebastian had rested his head on Jenson's shoulder and fallen asleep. Jenson laughed quietly to himself, wondering how he was going to get Sebastian into the car without waking him up. When he reached the car, he managed to get Sebastian on his front, like when a mother carries a child. Jenson managed to get him into the passenger seat and put Seb's seatbelt on without stirring his partner. Fortunately, Jenson noticed a blanket in the back of the car; a Red Bull fleece blanket. He grabbed it and put it over Sebastian, shut the passenger door and got into the car himself. Jenson had never driven an Infinti before but that didn't seem to be a problem as they were back at the hotel in 15 minutes. Jenson waited a while before getting out the car, just watching Sebastian sleeping. He looked so peaceful, and Jenson didn't want to disturb him although he knew he had to. Jenson yawned and got out the car, heading over to the passenger side. He opened the door and carefully picked up the sleeping German. But as the blanket fell off him, Sebastian stirred.
"Blanket..." Sebastian murmured, half asleep, trying to grab the blanket that wasn't there.
Jenson picked up the blanket, put it back on Sebastian (still holding him) and shut the car door, then locking the car.
"It's alright Sebi, go back to sleep" Jenson whispered.
To Jenson, Sebastian was surprisingly light, so carrying him through the hotel wasn't a struggle. Unfortunately the lift was out of order, so Jenson had to trek up 5 flights of stairs.
"Mm, Jense.."
Jenson had restrain his laughter as Sebastian spoke in his sleep. From what he'd been saying for the past 5 minutes, Jenson had a clear idea what Sebastian was dreaming about. 
Jenson reached his hotel room; as he wanted to let Sebastian sleep with him he didn't bother going to Seb's room. But Jenson suddenly realised he couldn't get his key out of his pocket. He knelt to the floor, placing Sebastian down on the floor, while he got out his key and unlocked the door. Jenson picked Sebastian up again and made his way into the suite. Sebastian nuzzled his head in the gap of Jenson's neck, keeping hold of the team blanket draped over him.
"You're so cute when you're asleep Sebi" Jenson said quietly to himself, walking into the bedroom.
He set Sebastian down on the bed then pulled off his t-shirt. He heard Sebastian shuffling around, so looked down at him to see what he was doing.
"Jense..." Sebastian yawned, trying to sit up.
"It's alright love, I'm coming to bed now anyway" Jense smiled, sitting beside him.
Sebastian pulled off Jenson's hoodie and cuddled down under the blanket again but left enough for Jenson to lay under too. The moment Jenson was under the blanket, Sebastian was laying on his chest, cuddling him. Jenson pulled him fully over him, chest to chest, wanting to have the youngster as close to him as possible.
"I love you Sebi" Jenson whispered, his hands resting on Sebastian's hips.
"I love you too Jense" Sebastian replied, cupping Jenson's face.
Sebastian gently brushed his lips against Jenson's before Jenson pushed against Seb's to seal the kiss. It sent shivers down Jenson's spine, wishing they'd go further but knowing they were both far too tired for anything more. Sebastian rested his head in the gap of Jenson's neck and drifted off to sleep. Jenson smiled and kissed his partners forehead, threading his thumbs in the belt loops of Sebastian's jeans before gradually falling asleep himself.

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