Part Seventeen - Don't Go, Please Stay...

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Jenson was sat in his hotel room alone. He’d snuck into Kimi Raikkonen’s room and stolen a bottle of vodka from Kimi’s ‘secret stash’ (which wasn’t exactly a secret anymore to Jenson), hoping that getting drunk would help him relieve the pain. But, it just caused Jenson more pain. After the first 2 swallows of the alcohol, Jenson’s throat and mouth were burning. He filled his mouth with the liquid again, this time unable to swallow it. Jenson got up and hurried to the en-suite bathroom, spitting out the vodka into the bathroom sink and started violently coughing; worried he was going to throw up. He began to cry, not from the pain of the alcohol but because he missed Sebastian. He missed how Sebastian would always be there if he returned to the hotel room alone. He missed the way Sebastian would hug Jenson’s waist from behind, resting his head in the gap of his neck. He missed how every time they kissed, it felt like time stood still and nothing else in the world mattered. The nights they’d spend together with Jenson beneath his partner, his hand in the German’s hair, skin-to-skin. Memories played back in Jenson’s mind, tears dripping down his face. He would give anything to go back in time and changed what had happened. But there was nothing Jenson could do now; Sebastian probably hated him, never wanting to see him again. And after how Jenson acted, why would he?

Suddenly, there was a loud bang on the door to Jenson’s room. Shaking, he made his way to the door and slowly opened it. A very angry-looking Kimi stood before him. His eyes narrowed at the Brit, knowing that Jenson had done something wrong. Without speaking, the Finn pushed past Jenson into his room.

“You stole my vodka, you little shit!” Kimi growled.

Jenson’s voice cracked, the crying making it hard to speak, “I-I’m sorry, Kimi.”

Kimi looked at Jenson and cocked his head to one side. He didn’t realise that Jenson was upset before he barged in like that.

“Are you alright, Jenson?” Kimi asked, calmly.

‘Wow, his attitude changed quickly…’ Jenson thought to himself.

Jenson shook his head as more tears rolled down his already tear-stained cheeks. Kimi stepped closer to him, placing a hand on his shoulder.

“You wanna tell me what’s up?” Kimi asked, concerned, “I don’t usually say this to people, but I care a lot about the rest of you guys.”

“I feel so guilty, Kimi” Jenson sighed, sadly.

“I’m guessing this is about Sebastian, right?”

Jenson nodded. Kimi stayed silent for a moment and took hold of Jenson’s shaky hand.

“Come on, you need to sleep” Kimi said, leading Jenson towards his bedroom, “You’re in no right mind to be awake.”

Eyes wide, Jenson followed behind Kimi, who was still clutching his hand. To Jenson, being taken to bed by another guy, that wasn’t Sebastian felt really weird. Not a bad weird, a good weird. Jenson sat on the edge of the bed, admiring Kimi while he wasn’t looking.

“I know you’re checking me out, by the way” Kimi muttered, closing the bedroom door.

Jenson blushed, how did Kimi know he was looking at him? Feeling awkward for his actions, Jenson stared at his hands until Kimi knelt down in front of him.

“Jenson, there’s no need to be embarrassed about it, okay?” Kimi said, placing his hand on Jenson’s hands, “I’m bi, I don’t mind it.”

“You kept that quiet…”

“I’m not the kind of guy to go boasting about it, Jense” Kimi chuckled, “Now come on, get into bed.”

Jenson pulled his McLaren t-shirt over his head and tossed it on the floor, closely followed by his jeans. As he got under the duvet, he noticed Kimi was headed towards the door.

“Kimi, wait.”

Kimi turned and looked at Jenson, “What?”

“Don’t go.”

There was a look in Jenson’s eyes that Kimi just couldn’t say no to, so he walked back over to the bed, pulling his shirt off at the same time.

“Why do you want me to stay? Surely there must be-“

Jenson cut Kimi off, he’d knelt up in front of Kimi while he was taking off his shirt. Once Kimi was close enough, Jenson grabbed the Finn’s face and kissed him. He wasn’t sure why he did it, but when he pulled away Kimi seemed even more convinced on staying the night. The look on his face said it all, a slight smirk. Kimi pushed Jenson back on the bed, climbed on top of him and returned the kiss.

“I’m not doing this out of love…” Kimi groaned as Jenson kissed his neck, “…it’s because you want it.”


Jenson’s eyes flickered open as his phone alarm woke him up. He reached over and switched it off before laying on his front and settled back down to sleep. Kimi’s arm was rested over his lower back and his head on Jenson’s shoulder. Jenson’s body ached from the previous evening, as well as his head from the drinking. Vodka and sex really don’t mix and Jenson knew he wasn’t going to do that again in a hurry…



Hey peeps!

Sorry again that this took so long to update, just been really busy lately. I'll try and get part 18 uploaded a lot quicker than this part!


AmberPic25 xx

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