Part Ten - My Poor Boy

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Sebastian was lying on his bed in his hotel room. He hadn't changed out of his race suit, yet it had been around 2 hours since what he and Jenson had done. But Sebastian didn't care. He kept thinking about what Christian had said to him about being gay and how he thought it would affect the team. But Sebastian knew that it wouldn't do any damage to the team, even if he did keep questioning himself about it. The nerves and adrenaline were still there from earlier, feeling good for not being afraid to show people he was gay, but then nervous wondering how people would react, the teams as well as the public, once they found out about him and Jenson.

Sebastian sighed and picked up his phone, staring at his lock screen; a photo of both of them. Jenson had taken Sebastian's phone one night when they were lying on the couch together; Jenson's arm round Sebastian, as he rested against Jenson's chest, both of them smiling. He couldn't stop thinking about how things would turn out in the future for them. He felt like crying, his emotions were all over the place. After Jenson telling him that everything was going to be fine, he somehow believed it wouldn't...

Sebastian almost jumped out of his skin as there was a knocking on the door. He put his phone down and got up off the bed. He seemed a little curious to who it was; it couldn't have been Jenson, he always texts him before coming over. As he wandered to the door, he wondered who it could be; was it Christian coming to apologise? Was it Mark coming to discuss the next race? It could've been anyone. Sebastian opened the door and saw Nico Rosberg standing there.

"Nico?" Sebastian said confused, "What are you doing here?"

 But Nico didn't say anything; he just pushed past Sebastian into his room. Sebastian looked extremely confused, more than he was before. He closed the door but as he turned around, Nico appeared and pushed him against the door, his hand clasped over Sebastian's mouth. Sebastian was suddenly extremely scared, unable to move or speak. He stared at Nico.

"You should be grateful to me" Nico said, "If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't be with Jenson."

Sebastian remembered that night all too well, not wanting to remember any of it apart from his and Jenson's kiss. The rest felt like a nightmare... But Sebastian couldn't understand why he should be grateful to Nico for his relationship. He looked away from Nico, shaking his head.

"If I hadn't dared you to kiss Jenson, you never would've got together with him" Nico added.

Sebastian closed his eyes, wishing that Nico would go away. Nico was scaring Sebastian more and more by the minute.

"You haven't flinched since I've been here, Seb."

Sebastian tried to speak through Nico's hand, but his words weren't clear. Nico ran his free hand down Sebastian's chest, making him suddenly realise what Nico was after. Petrified, Sebastian gathered his strength and pushed Nico off him, causing Nico to fall backwards onto the floor.

"What the fuck, Nico?!" Sebastian shouted angrily.

Nico suddenly looked frightened of Sebastian. He tried to speak but Sebastian cut him off.

"What the heck were you doing? I should be grateful to you? Not after what you just tried to do! You may have gotten me to kiss Jenson but you didn't make me fall in love with him!" Sebastian added.

"Alright I'm sorry Seb! I'm just..." Nico trailed off, looking at the floor.

"Just what?!" Sebastian asked in frustration.

"I'm jealous of Jenson..." Nico muttered sadly.

Sebastian's anger went to confusion. Was Nico in love with him?

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