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Same day 2 hours later 5pm

Since it's still bright outside i decide to go surfing I put on my plain black bikini and paired it with some denim shorts and a pair of sunglasses my dad bought me. I put my hair in a messy bun put my white sliders on and grab my beach bag.

I put a bottle of water, my beach cover up and a towel in. I grab my surfboard I had leant up against the wall.

I walk down stairs putting my bag on my shoulder as I carry my board. I reach the bottom of the stairs and see Lucy coming round the corner. "And you're going where?" She asks looking at her watch "oh calm down it's not even 6 I've got my phone I'll be fine" I say waving to her and waking out.

Yes I may not know the way to the beach but my mother always told me to follow the sound of seagulls.

I reach the gate and put the code in Lucy told me it's my birthday. The gate slides open and shuts about 20 seconds later.

There is no way I'm driving so I set off waking. Seagulls tend to be near the beach to steal your food that is. Once I found the beach I set my bag down putting  my phone in the bag then taking off my sliders, shorts and sunglasses.

I look to the ocean full of waves and I see a group of four, three boys and one girl all surfing. I take my board and walk a far distance from the group so I'm not interfering or cursing their vibe.

After a bit of surfing I go further out and spot a big wave coming well not exactly huge but bigger than the previous ones.

As I surf the wave I slip off my board going down with the wave. I reach the surface taking in a breath and coughing a couple times because of the water that I inhaled.

I look around for my board and can't see it I look to the shore that is not that far away.

I see it laying on the damp sand I swim over and I see the group of friends walk over to my board.

Oh god please let this not be awkward I stand up and walk up to them.

The tall blond boy who is holding my board says "oh sorry is this yours?" He hands it back to me "yeah thanks" I say smiling to them. I walk over to my bag and they all follow "hey I've never seen you before have you just moved here" the brown skinned girl asks me she looks about my age just a bit taller than me. "Ummm yeah me and my Aunt just moved here" I say shyly still unaware how to act around these new people.

"Well then I'm Kiara" she says pointing her herself "that's JJ" she points to the blonde he waves and I smile at him.

"That's John B" she points to the tall brunette he smiles to me "and that's Pope" she says pointing to the tall dark skinned boy waking bedside me.

"Kie you do know we can introduce ourselves right?" The brunette says slightly laughing to Kiara making me giggle. We come to a stop as we stand In front of my bag I kneel down letting my boar fall onto the sand.

I put my sunglasses on the top of my head and quickly put my cover up on. I stand back up turning to the group with a smile "I'm Jessica" I introduce myself. "Well then Jessica welcome to outer banks" JJ says picking up my surfboard passing it to me. "Thank you" I say as I take it from him I pick up my bag getting my phone out seeing I have 7 missed calls from Lucy.

My eyes Instantly widen as I read the messages she sent me asking where I was I look at the time and it's 9 o'clock.

I look out to the water and see the sun setting  "Crap" I curse putting my phone into my bag.

Not That Perfect | JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now