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When I get inside the house I take my shoes off and rush upstairs to change into more comfortable clothes.

I take off my jewellery putting it back in the small black box.

I hesitate taking the silver bracelet off and placing it in front of the small mirror.

I put on a baby blue bikini I'm probably not going to be swimming but it's still comfortable.

A pair of black denim shorts, a grey Nike hoodie over top and my sliders on.

I put my phone into the pocket that my hoodie provides, along with a pack of cigarettes and a lighter.

I make my way down stairs and throw myself onto the sofa turning of the news. I light a cigarette as the man informs myself and everyone in Kildear about hurricane Agatha, who will be making an unexpected visit.

I put all the vases -empty vases that I have for no reason-  and anything that could brake into cupboards, whilst doing this I finish around 4 cigarettes. I pack a small bag full of random things and some spare clothes I don't intend on staying by myself during a hurricane I've always hated them.

I make sure my phone is fully charged and start my walk to John Bs'.

I don't understand how my father could always sleep through a hurricane we didn't get many but they still happened.

Me and my mother were the complete opposite we would  stay awake all night talking to get our minds off what was happening.

This is the first hurricane that I wont have her there to hold me and talk to me so I don't panic.

"Hey Jess!" I hear John B yell I look up and see him sticking his head out of my car window.

"What happened?" He asks and stops the car.

What? Did I do something?

I get in the passenger seat of the car and see that I had let a couple tears escape as I thought about my mother.

"Oh it's nothing I just hate hurricanes, I was hoping that you'd let me stay at yours." I smile to the boy as he starts the car and says he wouldn't mind at all.

During the car ride John B tells me that his dad disappeared at sea around nine months ago.

I don't thin he'd like to hear what I'm thinking if his dad disappeared that long ago chances are my parents have found a new friend.

However, miracles can happen. 

When we arrive at the Chateau JJ is sat on the porch me and John B run inside as the heavy winds begin to push against us. I grab JJs' hand as we go inside because he wouldn't have come in if one of us didn't grab him.

"Well that was fun" John B laughs as he walks to the kitchen and grabs two beers out of the fridge throwing one to JJ.

I guess it's best I don't drink as I hardly remember last night "I'm surprised your walking after last night" JJ tells me without context that could be taken the wrong way.

"Who let me drink that much?" I question as I through myself onto the pull out sofa I assume I'll be sleeping on.

"None of us really had a say you were pulling bottles of Vodka out of nowhere" John B says leaning against the fridge. JJ takes a seat next to me and John B and JJ drive into conversation about the fact that John B is on the edge of going into foster care.

I begin the focus on the sounds of the wind roaring the sound of my heart beat becomes more present than I'd like.

JJs' places his hand over mine and my breathing slows down and my heart beat is no longer haunting me.

"You good?" JJ asks taking a sip of his beer I nod answering his question.

"I've gotta go" John B announces and walks out not giving us any type of idea where he's going he grabs his surf board and takes off

"Where do you think he's running off to?" I ask JJ as I begin to worried about our brunette friend.

Why is he going out now? It's not safe. Should I run after him?

"Don't stress about it he'll be fine." JJ assures me with a smile and gets up and puts his empty bottle of beer in the trash.

"How about a game of truths? We can't exactly do any good dares due to Agatha" JJ asks pulling up a chair placing it at the foot of the sofa bed.

"Sure yeah" I say nodding in agreement.

"Ok AJ, what is your favorite part about OBX?" JJ asks with a smile.

There aren't many answers to this I love the surfing and the parties but most of all my friends and that sounds so cheesy but it's true.

"You, Kie Pope and John B" I answer with a smile making him smile too.

"My turn JJ what is the one thing you've always wanted?" I ask the blonde sat in front of me.

"A house on figure eight to see what it's like to be  a Kook" JJ proudly admits.

The night goes and is filled with life sharing, laughs and my worry of the hurricane is blown away with it.

"This has been nice but I'm tired" JJ says standing up from his chair and turning off the light that lit up the Chateau. He gets under the covers of the sofa bed that I've been sat on all night.

"Okay" I say standing up taking my bag and walking to his room.

"Where you off?" JJ asks .

"Well you're sleeping there so I thought I'd sleep in your room." I explain he shakes his head and taps the bed beside him.

I drop my bag and take my phone and everything out of the pocket of my jumper.

"You smoke cigarettes?" he asks motioning the the pack in my hand. "Yeah" I say putting them in my bag.

I grab an oversized t-shirt from my bag and place it next to me "could you like not be a perv?" I ask getting a small laugh from him and he turns over I change into the t-shirt putting my bikini top into my bag. I take my shorts off and replace them with pajama shorts.

I get under the covers and JJ turns to face me. "So you don't like hurricanes?" he questions "no, no I love them can't you tell" I joke.

"Come here Angel" he laughs pulling me into a hug which makes me almost instantly fall asleep.

Not That Perfect | JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now