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An ambulance eventually arrived and Sarah said she would call me the second he was out of the hospital. The we all made our way back to the Twinkie and Pope decided to drive us to the chateau.

As we get out I grab my bag from next to my feet and put it onto my shoulder putting my phone into the bag.

"I'm gonna split, my parents will only hate me more if I don't go back" Kiara tells the group as she grabs her bike.

"I'll tell you if I hear anything about John B" I walk up to Kie and say to her. She doesn't reply she just nods I think she's annoyed about something but I don't actually know what.

So it's just me, Pope and JJ I look back at JJ and he's already looking at me like a soft expression and I shake my head. As I walk into the Chateau I hear Pope say to JJ "bro what'd you do?"

I walk into the spare room, which is basically JJ's room. I sit on the bed and go through my bag searching for my vape, I must've left it at the Cameron's. I walk out of the room and look for Pope who's sat on the pull out.

I sit down in front of him with my legs crossed sigh and ask "do you know where JJ's weed is?" I ask him, I don't have my vape and I'm stressed so I need something.

"Try his side table but I don't know what's happened with you both but you need to talk to him" Pope advises me, I thank him and go back into the bedroom closing the door behind me.

"Rolled you one already" I hear JJ say behind me I exhale and shake my head with a smirk. I turn around to see him stood at the other side of the bed with a freshly rolled joint.

"Thanks" I say and take it from his hand as my phone begins to ring so I grab it from my bag.

'Rafe Caneron'

I answer using my shoulder to keep my phone to my ear. "Hey Rafe, just give me a second" I ask mainly just saying his name so JJ knows who I'm talking to.

I grab the lighter that's on the side table and walk outside to the porch and sit on the couch. "What's up?" I ask putting the joint to my lips and lighting it. I take a hit of the joint blowing the blowing out the smoke.

"Look I-I umm I'm sorry for what happened tonight you know the whole thing at midsummers" he says in a shaky voice.

"I'm guessing that there is something else you were wanting to tell me." I reply holding the phone to my ear.

"Yeah, Ash. She was here when we got back, she was waiting for you. She told me to tell you to meet her at the beach in the morning. I just wanted to know if you wanted any company?" Rafe asks me again with a shake in his voice.

"Did she say what time?" I ask dodging his question. I take the joint to my lips and inhale as Rafe replies.

"She didn't say a time but i can come and get you in the morning and I'll take you"

"Yeah sure just let me know when your on your way,okay?" I say smoke coming out of my mouth with each breath.

"I will. Also Rose was wondering when you're actually going to be staying the night?" He asks me.

"I-I don't know but I've got to go so just drop me a text in the morning" I say with a small smile.

"Okay goodnight Jess" I hear him smile through the phone.

"Night Rafe" I end the phone taking another drag as I walk back inside putting my phone into my waistband (along with the lighter) and hold my joint in the other.

I smile as I see Pope sleeping on the pullout. I grab the blanket and place it over him with one hand.

I walk back into the bedroom and see JJ looking out of the window. I put my phone and the lighter onto the side table.

"What did Rafe want?" JJ asks as he turns around to face me. I don't answer as I sit down onto the bed with my legs up to my chest taking short and quick drags of the joint.

"Ash wants to see me tomorrow" I say as my eyes begin to rest and my mind starts to feel light.

"Oh so you're going with Rafe?" JJ asks as he sits on the end of the bed I shake my head looking at the joint seeing it's almost out.

I use an empty beer can to put it out and leave it inside. "Yes JJ, yes he is because I don't necessarily want to go by myself and I can't trust you."

"A kook? Jess come on" JJ says obviously annoyed I would love to scream and yell at him right now. But my mind is too relaxed to do that.

"You we're getting free weed from one or did you forget that part?" I ask him sitting up with my legs crossed.

"I'm sorry okay!" He shouts and I jolt up and put my hand over his mouth because Pope is sleeping.

"Pope is trying to sleep and frankly I don't wanna argue right now. Look I'm happy you told me but it never should've happened now can we just sleep." I suggest as I stand up from the bed taking my bra off along my my shoes and I get under the covers.

He shakes his head as if he's shocked and takes off his shoes and gets under the covers next to me. I lay looking up and I can feel his eyes burning into the side of my head so I turn to look at him. He tucks my hair behind my ear and smiles as if to say he's sorry. I close my eyes moving closer to him so his head is resting on mine. He wraps his arms around me and I do the same with him.

Why and I doing this? I've just found out he's been lying to me for ages and I'm laid in bed cuddling him. My mind has no bother to fight against it right now.

I slowly run my hands up his back feeling his muscles. I feel him inhale so I stop moving my hands and he kisses my head and runs his fingers through my hair.

I move my head from under his chin and look up at him and he places a slow kiss on my lips. I understand why he's anxious as I have no idea why I just let him kiss me or why I'm even laid in this bed, especially after what I've found out.

No matter how much I'm annoyed I'll never be able not to love him, he could hurt me a hundred times and I'm almost certain I'll always feel this way. This could just be the weed getting to my head.

I close my eyes and kiss him back more passionately than he kissed me, I can tell he is shocked but he doesn't object.

His fingers go to my hair and I run my hands up and down his back as our tongues mix. I prop myself up with my elbow and he puts his hands on my hips making me straddle him. He sits up and he looks in my eyes putting my hair behind my ear once again.

"Jess-" he whispers I cut him off because I know he'll tell me this is probably a bad idea, I don't want to be reminded how bad of an idea this is. I already know.

"Don't ruin it, just be quiet" I tell him putting my finger to his lips and he moves my hand smashing his lips onto mine....

SEASON 3!!!!
It's so good don't even get me started!!

Not That Perfect | JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now