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"Hey, guys, so like, my dads already gonna kill me. So what's this mandatory meeting about?" Pope questions as JJ pokes the fire.

The five of us sit around the fire that John B started. I sit across from JJ and next to John B. He sends fingers towards JJ urging him to speak. I'm guessing John B filled him in on their way to midsummers.

"Might as well tell him man, before we're gaffed' JJ tells John B as he throws a stick onto the fire.

"You read for this?" JB asked Pope and Kie looking between them both. "Yeah" Kie shrugs her shoulders.

"So, the gold never went down with the Royal Merchant." John B looks up from the fire at Pope then to Kie.

"Oh, my God. Here we go again with this"Pope shakes his head.

"No. All right, wait. Hear him out, all right?"JJ says to Pope trying to let John B explain. He nods towards John B silently telling him to speak again.

John B puts his finger over his "It's been here the whole time" John B smirks. "It's on the island" he says looking at Kie.

"Seriously? Oh my God" she smiles at John B.
"I'd like to voice my skepticism" Pope says putting his hands together.

"I'm sure you would Pope" John B jokes nudging me with his arm making me smile. I look up from the fire and see JJ already looking at me with a soft smile. My gaze softens as I see his smile. But if I smile back at him I'll never be able to have the conversation that we both know we need.

"Can I please present you with my evidence, sir?" John B asks mocking a posh voice.

"Proceed" Pope replies in the same voice making me smile.

"So, in my backpack I have a letter from Denmark Tanny-"

"Who's Denmark Tanny?" Kie questions looking at John B.

"He was a slave that survived the Royal Merchant wreak" I tell Kie looking from John B to her.

"Yeah, check this out" John B starts, getting the letter out from his bag that we got from the Chaple Hill. Passing it to Kie.

"Slaves weren't mentioned as crew members members on the ship, but my dad found the complete manifest. That was his big discovery, so Tanny used the gold from the Merchant to buy his freedom." John B explains to Kie and Pope.

JJ whistles to Kie wanting to see the letter. She passes him the letter as she looks back to John B.

"After that he bought his farm. Durmroll, please" John B encourages as JJ moves his feet to make a drumroll sound and Kie taps on her thighs. "Because that farm is Tannyhill Plantation" the drumroll stops and Kie looks at his in disbelief.

"Tannyhill?" Kie questions raising her eyebrows.

"Yeah. So after that he used the money to free even more slaves and then he sold a shit tone of rice which pisses of white planters. And then they decided to lynch him. So on the day they were coming to get him, he writes a letter to his son as a farewell. The last line of the letter he leaves a coded message about where to find the gold." John B smiles as he tells the story standing up.

"Where?" Kie asks intrigued in the story.

"Harvest the wheat parcel nine, near the water. Except...there's no wheat. You see wheat is code for gold. Check this out" John B says sitting down next to Pope as he gets the letter from JJ showing him. "The gold is in parcel nine, near the water" Kie gasps with a smile as does Pope.

"All we need now is an original survey map of the property. And then we've found the gold" I smile and John B sits down smiling at me.

"Okay so this might have a small chance of being true." Whilst Pope talks JJ stands up and pick John B up from the log he was sat on and gives him a tight hug lifting him off the ground.

"Woah. Hello, fire, fire" I warn JJ pull John B back by this shirt. JJ then puts John B down.

"I'm so proud of you right now" JJ tells him.

"It wasn't just me bro say that to your girl she was a part in this too" John B laughs sitting back down. Me and JJ look at each other with a smile. Then he goes and sits back down.

"Trouble in paradise?" John B whispers to me and I shrug my shoulders not wanting to talk about it.

"Okay so guys, what's the plan?" Pope questions John B with a furrowed brow.

"Good question so, Sarah Cameron is coming tonight so she's gonna bring an original survey map-" John B begins to answer Popes question but Kie cuts him off.

"Sarah? Wh-why Sarah?" Kie questions i remember her telling me that she hates Sarah but she never told me why. Personally, I don't get it Sarah is lovely and so sweet I don't know how Kie could hate her.

"Yeah um" John B begins to explain.

"He was making on her" JJ tells Kiara with a smug look on his face.

"I was not" John B answers hastily almost defending himself.

"They weren't I would know I was with them the whole time" I defend John B looking at JJ with shaking my head.

"See. I wasn't making on her. I was using her for information and access" John B explains to the group.

"Oh there was access alright" JJ says to himself although I'm pretty sure he wanted everyone to hear. I shake my head at his comment, for all I know there was access for him with Ash.

"Did you tell her about the treasure?" Kie asks sounding offended that Sarah is involved.

"I was just trying to get into the archives"

"Is that a yes?!" Kie reacts to his answer immediately shaking her head.

"I-I left out key details" John B stumbles on his words.

"You let another kook in on our secret. What about Pouge life? What about the t-shirt company bro?" Kie rambles.

"Hold on hold on. I'm sorry can we rewind to the 'another kook' for just a second. Kie incase you haven't realised you are also sat there in a dress" I attempt to open her eyes a little.

"I'm just saying you literally live with the enemy." She defends her point.

"Yes Kie I live with the Cameron's but I did not choose to live there" I tell her tilting my head.

"Anyway, I was just using Sarah for information" John B tells her. That is such a lie and he knows it.

"Why don't I believe you?" I must say I'm on Kiaras side with this one.

"I'm trying to make us filthy rich here. So that we can pay off a boat or-or ah send you to autopsy school to study dead bodies." John B, says pointing to Pope. "You know me. Do I look like the person to fall for Sarah Cameron?"

"John B I wouldn't ask that question" I tell him after what I was on the dock I think he is falling for her.

"Just-just stop" he tells me and I hold my hands up in defeat making JJ smile.

"Look I know her yet I do you can't trust her" Kie raises her voice.

"Her brother did hit me in the back with a golf club" Pope says.

"Sarah and Rafe are completely different people." I defend Sarah she was the first friend I ever made here they should know I'll stand up for her.

"What did she do to you exactly Kie?" JJ questions with a confused look on his face.

"she's like a spitting cobra first, she blinds you and then-" Kiara begins to answer. I think they find a liking in interrupting one another.

"This is a bad analogy" Pope tells her with his head in his hands.

"Listen to me, whatever we get she's going to try and take" Kie try's to convince us.

"Look Kie you can think that all you want but she's involved now and frankly I'm tried of this arguing for one night. So can we please just go back to the Chateau?" I say standing up looking at everyone as I walk to the boat.

"Listen to the girl, she's stubborn in the nicest way possible" Popes says as he walks towards the boat.

Okay but the trailer for season 3 looks so good!!!!!

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