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"The library isn't open all night, so we need to hurry" Sarah tells me and John B as we walk out of the shop. She walks in front of me and John B to guide us to where we need to be.

"Do you think she actually knows where she's going?" John B whispers to me so Sarah doesn't hear him.

"It's Sarah of course she does" I tell him looking in front of us at Sarah. "Why are you already tired?" I question looking at the boy with a smile.

"Yeah, we should just get a cab or something" John B tells me.

I nod and walk a little faster so I'm next to Sarah I link my arm with hers. "John B wants to get a ride to the library" I tell her.

She looks  at me and rolls her eyes with a smile "of course he does."

Me and Sarah sit on the nearest bench as John B attempts to get us a cab.

"So, tell me everything" Sarah smirks at me.

"What do you mean everything?" I ask even though I'm pretty sure she means everything with JJ.

"You know exactly what I mean. You and JJ. What's going on?" She asks me with a smile.

"Nothing" I couldn't be more honest than that. It's not like I want that answer to be true, but it is. I want to be with JJ more than anything, but I can't help but think about Ash and him.

Is there something he's not telling me? Why is Ash all of a sudden involved? Are they together right now? What did Pope message John B about? Why can't I know? My brain can't take all the questions that I can't find the answers to, it's too much. I just want it to be simple, easy. I could just ask but then I might not like the answer, but I still want to know.

"I can see it on your face that it's not 'nothing' you can tell me anything. But I'll never pressure you into thinking you have to." She reassures me putting her arm around my shoulders and pulling me into her side. I lay my head on her shoulder and smile. I know that whatever happens in this world I'll always have her I don't think I could say that about anyone else.

We stay like that for a second not talking in silence it's the most peace I've felt in quite a while.

"Val, Viv come on!" John B well Vlad shouts us as a cab pulls up.

"Guess that's our que Viv" 'Val' gets up and puts her hand out for me to hold. I take her hand she leads me to the cab.

John B gets into the cab first then me and finally Sarah. I place our bag of clothes on the floor just in front of Sarah's feet.

Sarah tells the driver where we need to be, and we set off. I look out of the window to see the sunset. The sky looks different when someone you love is up there. That's something I've learnt.

I'm still wondering about the message Pope had sent John B. It's really confusing. Why can't I know about it? It's probably not important, a boy thing.

The more I think about it the more I'll worry. So, I'll stop thinking about it...., yeah no I'm still thinking about it.

"Hey, you alright?" John B asks looking at me with a concerned smile on his face.

"Yeah, no I'm okay" I can see on his face that he doesn't believe me. I wouldn't believe me either. I'm not okay, if I say it enough my brain will believe it.

"Actually, can I ask you a question?" I ask him. I take a glance at Sarah who has basically been giving the driver directions since she sat down.

"Always, what is it?"

"What did Pope say?" I ask him with a small smile hoping he'll tell me.

He hesitates before speaking I can see that he doesn't want to tell me. But I don't know if he can't tell me, or he simply doesn't want to. "You can't get mad okay. I know you're already stressed I can tell so don't deny it."

Not That Perfect | JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now