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For about half an hour or so of me and JJ start talking and getting to know each other better.

"So what's the story behind this?" JJ asks pointing at my surf board "It was my mothers" I tell him as I begin to remember my mother teaching me how to surf.

When she first taught me it was on the sand and I found it useless. But its one of the most important ones, taught me all about balancing on the board.

I blink back my tears as I think of that time of my life. The time that everything was perfect.

"Oh we don't have to talk abou-" JJ went to say before both of our attention switches to my bedroom door flying open to reveal Sarah.

Is that gate small or is everyone  good at jumping gates here.

"Jess oh my god what happened?" Sarah asks with a sense of concern in her voice. Before I can answer her she sits on my bed next to me and wraps me in a hug. "What are you talking about?" I ask even though I think I know.

"I overheard your aunt and Rose talking" she says I sit on my window seat leaving Sarah sitting on my bed and JJ leaning against my dresser.

"What did she say?" I ask Sarah as I look out of my window.

"Lucy said that she messed up big time and that you blame yourself for what happened to your parents" Wow so now Lucy thinks she can tell everyone about what's going on.

"Pretty much sums it up" I let out a laugh in attempt to lighten the mood but it doesn't. JJ and Sarah both look at me with the same expression of sympathy which I hate this is why I didn't want anyone to know. I knew they would feel sorry for me.

"Please don't give me that look either of you" I point out I can't even believe they're in the same room don't they like hate each other. "What look?" JJ asks folding his arms over his chest.

"Like I'm gunna brake, I've been broken all this time you just didn't know it" my words bring us to a moment of pure silence until I brake it "don't tell anyone" I say as Kie, John B and Pope come rushing into my room out of breath.

Yep everyone is good at jumping gates here.

"What is it party at Jessica's house?" I laugh.

"Bro we thought something happened to you" John B says as he puts a hand on JJs shoulder.

"What's she doing here?" Kie asks giving a disgusted look to Sarahas she leans against my door frame "I just came to see if Jess wanted to go out on the boat but I think you guys have something planned so I'll be off" Sarah lies and gives me a hug before leaving.

"Ugh I hate her" Kie complains rolling her eyes as we all hear the front door shut.

"Anyway what took so long?" Pope asks as he sits on my bed where Sarah had just been sat "we just stared talking that's all" I partly lie.

"So where to now? Beach?" I suggest as I put on a smile. "Sounds like a plan to me" JJ agrees along with everyone else I grab my surfboard which JJ quickly takes from me so I don't have to carry it to the Twinkie.

I then get my vape from my bag and luckily its full because I don't have the effort the fill it up. We make our way down stairs and out of the house I quickly lock it putting my key under the plant pot so I don't worry about losing it.

Once we make it to the Twinkie John B and Kie get in the front I sit behind John B  and JJ sits in front of me and Pope sits by my side. JJ lays my surfboard on top of everyone else's.

"To the beach" John B says as we head to my favorite place.



Sorry this is short but yeah hope you like it tell me what you want to see next sorry for any gramma or spelling mistakes.

Not That Perfect | JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now