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We end up back at the wreak as JJ insisted that he was hungry again. And since the wreak is close to shutting we'll get it for free.

The boys go to the table we're at this morning and Kie takes me into the kitchen with her.

"Hi Dad can I take some fries out for the guys?" She questions her father.

"Yeah sure. Jess hi we've not seen you for a while. You're also not supposed to be back here" he tells me with a soft yet serious nod.

"Lay off her dear. It's lovely to see you again" her mother smiles to me. "We're actually looking for another waitress so if you want the jobs yours. Kie will keep you company as well"

"That's very kind of you Mrs Carrera. I'll keep it in mind it's great to see you both" I smile as Kie grabs my arm yanking me out of the kitchen with a plate of fries in on hand.

She places the plate on the table in front of the boys. I walk over to the small radio and switch it on.

"JJ?" I question for him to dance with me.

"Don't think so bubs" he shuts me down stuffing his face with fries.

"Come on Jess" Kie says holding my hands and dancing with me.

Shit this reminds me the part. I told Sarah I'd be there. "Jess you good?" Kie questions with a smile.

"Yeah sorry to cut this short but I've got to go. I promised Sarah I'd go to this party" I tell the group with a soft smile.

"Yeah no that's fine do you want a ride?" John B asks standing from his space.

"No that's okay I'll just walk back to the Chateau and take my car." I tell the group. No one seems to object so I do just that I walk the Chateau get my keys, fix my hair put some perfume on and go to the Cameron's.

Luckily I get there just in time as I see Rafe walking out of the house.

"Rafe, hi would you mind taking me with you?" I question the boy as he sits on his bike.

"No I don't mind jump on" he says giving me his helmet instead of putting it on himself.

He gets his phone out and hits a button making the helmet start playing music into my ears. This isn't music I normally listen to but I actually like it.

We set off to Toppers for the party I've never actually been on a proper bike before. I mean I've sat on one but I've never like been on one on the road before. I have to admit it's quite freeing.

Eventually, we make it to the party I can tell because the music in the helmet is drown out by it. I take the helmet off and take my hair out of its pony. I use my hands to brush through it.

"You look gorgeous don't worry about your hair" Rafe compliments with a short lived smile. I can tell he's not used to giving or getting compliments.

"Thank you" I smile and see Sarah running out of the house and hugging me.

"I didn't think you were coming." She says whilst hugging the air out of me.

"Here I am" I squeeze out hugging her back.

I always try not to pull away from a hug first you never know how much someone needs that hug. That is unless they are taking the air out of your lungs. 

"Thank for the ride!" I shout back to Rafe as Sarah pulls me into the house taking me to Toppers home bar.

She goes behind the bar and showing me what there is for me to drink. "Oooo Toffee Vodka is my all time favourite" I tell her and she goes to pour me a shot. I laugh grabbing the bottle from her and drinking it straight.

Not That Perfect | JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now