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Free day

"Jeez look at that boat." JJ says pointing to a random boat with a disgusted look on his face.

"Good mornin" John B waves to the man, who's boat JJ had insulted.

I look over the edge of the boat watching the dolphins swim by us, they've clearly been washed up here due to the storm. I love dolphins they're one of my favorite animals Polar Bears are my all time favorite I have no idea why I just find them sort of beautiful.

When they're aren't trying to kill anyone of course.

"Sure hope Guffy's boat didn't sink. He doesn't have insurance." JJ says with a small pout on his face.

"Hi Miss Amy. You guys get through it?" John B questions and smiles to a lady tending to her boat. I stand up from my spot to stand beside John B who's steering the boat.

"Still here!" Miss Amy shouts back with a wave neither of the boys wave back so even though I don't know the woman I wave back with a warm smile.

JJ nudges John Bs' shoulder crossing his arms "she totally looked at me." JJ claims with a cocky smirk on his face.

"I saw it" John B agrees with a nod.

"Yeah I think I even saw her drool a little" say sarcastically sharing a short warm smile with both boys.

I remove my shirt and my shorts leaving me in my red bikini. I throw my clothes behind me onto one of the seats.

I walk around John B and stand between him and JJ, JJ puts his arm around my shoulders I reach up and take his dark blue cap from his head and place it on mine.

"Dude look at this place." John B mumbles revering to the water closest to the docks as trash has blow into the water.

100% Kie isn't going to be happy about this.

"Agatha, what did you do?" JJ whistles as he moves towards the bow of the boat John B uses my shoulder as an arm rest making me chuckle slightly I forget that I'm so much shorter than them. "She's a crazy lady." John B answers.

"Hard core dude. Hurricane surge." JJ says looking around at the damage caused by Agatha.

"Yeah" John B agrees.

I swap roles with John B so that I'm now driving the boat "Jeez we'll be cleaning this call summer" I complain with a quite groan. "That's my nightmare AJ" John B responds as we pull up to Pope's dock.

"We have a safety meeting. Attendance Mandatory." JJ shouts to Pope in a static voice who is currently cleaning his dock with his dad who I can see a little further away from us.

"I can't. My Pop's got me on lockdown." Pope says whilst clearly thinking of the consequences of getting on the boat.

"Hello miss and what would your name be?" Pope's father asks me "Jessica sir" I smile I would offer him my hand to shake but I don't think we have time for that and I would most likely drive into something. I'm not the best at multitasking.

"Just call me Hayward dear" Hayward goes to say when he's interrupted by JJ with his static voice once again.

"Your dads a pussy over" JJ obviously thought because we were talking his comment would go unnoticed.

John B switches places with me yet again and quickly slap JJ on the arm for his comment causing him to laugh and put his arm around my shoulder once again. A smile forms on my face at the action.

"Oh, I heard that, you little bastard." Heyward points to JJ a playful smile forms on my face JJ notices as he pulls me closer to his chest.

"We need your son!" John B shouts to Hayward.

"Yeah and island rules. Day after a hurricanes a free day." JJ shrugs I pursed my lips as I look between JJ and Heyward. I let out a small chuckle at the confusion on Heyward's face. Even though I've know Heyward for little under 5 minuets I can tell he's not easily fouled.

"Who the hell made that up?" Heyward questions in disbelief.

"Pentagon I think. We have security clearance" JJ says "I have a card" he digs into his pocket I half expect his to pull his hand out his pocket and show Heyward his middle figure but I can tell he has more respect for the man than that.

"You think I'm stupid?" Heyward questions the blonde raising his eyebrows towards me and JJ.

"Not at all sir" I defend us both with a warm smile.

"I'll do it tomorrow. I promise. Tomorrow" Pope begs his father as he slowly makes his way down the dock closer to the boat.

"No. Hell no. You're doing it right now." Heyward demands, as he points towards the bucket and mop Pope abended, hoping his son would come back and finish his job.

The look on Popes faces is priceless as he looks torn between having fun with us and listing to his father. I can see that he wants to jump on the boat and come to catch crabs with the four of us. As we'll probably be picking Kiara up on the way.

"Get in the boat" I whisper harshly to the boy. "Make a run for it bro" JJ adds Popes eyes flicker over to his dad and back to us multiple times his dad sees the look in his eyes and begins to shake his head.

"Boy if you get in that boat-"

"I promise it bring him back I one piece!" I shout to Heyward and put my pinkie in the air as is to confirm my promise as Pope jumps into the boat.

"Bring your ass back up here boy!" Heyward shouts to his son.

Me and JJ wave to Heyward as John B drives away from the dock "I'll do it tomorrow dad. I promise!" Pope shouts back.

"When you get back you're gonna clean shrimp, you're gonna clean fish, you'll clean your dirty ass room!" Heyward threatens making Pope smile whilst shaking his head.

"And I don't like your friends!" Heyward finally shouts although his shout was bear audible to us all.

"Morning to you Pope" I smile as I sit on the seat beside John B ,picking my shirt up, crossing my legs laying my shirt over my legs.

"Next stop, Kie" I state as Pope takes the seat beside me putting his arm around my shoulder where JJs' arm has just been.

JJ clearly shot Pope a glare of some kind as Pope sticks up his middle figure up to the boy making us all laugh in response.

"Oh, top of the mornin' to ya." JJ says in a fake Irish accent, looking up to Kiara who's carrying a cooler.

"Boys, Jess" Kiara smiles and we both wink to each other at the same time causing us to let out a short giggle.

"Watcha got in there?" I ask

"You got some juice boxes?" Pope adds curious to what's in the cooler.

I offer my hand out to help Kie climb into the boat, which she happy takes.

"How about my kind of juice boxes?" JJ questions the girl with a smile on his face.

"Yeah." Kie replies innocently, even though the smirk on her face tells us that's the only thing in the cooler.

She get a beer out for herself offering one to everyone only me and JJ accept one.

The three of us cheers our beer them making a faint clink at the impact. "Salud" Kie smiles as we take a drink.

"Brace for impact." John B smirks as he begins to drive us down to the marsh.

This is begin to feel like a mini family slightly crazy but what family's not lets be honest.

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