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Before we went and picked out Sarah's outfit she curled my hair and did my makeup nothing dramatic just basic makeup. When we were picking out shoes I was thinking heels because this is the first event type thing I'm going to.

She picked me out some simple silver heels and an a pair of folding white flats (don't know what they're actually called, but you know what I mean). She says dancing in heels won't do my feet any favours.

About 10 minutes after Topper came to pick Sarah up. I wanted to go with her but since I'm going as Rafe's date that obviously involves arriving there with him.

"Hey Jess, ermmm are you ready to go? Ward is getting the car ready" Wheezie tells me standing in the doorway of my room.

"Yeah just let me put my shoes on and I'll make my way down" I smile and she walks downstairs.

I get off my bed and put my shoes on grabbing my flats, my phone then taking my vape off charge and putting them all in my shoulder bag.

I look at myself in the mirror to make sure I look 'presentable' as my mom used to say.

I walk downstairs shutting my bedroom door behind me. "You look lovely Jessica" Rose says with a smile as I make it to the bottom step. "Don't you think Rafe?" She says to Rafe.

"Yes you look great Jess" he says hiding a smile.

"Thank you, you look nice too. All of you do" I smile as we walk out the door.

On the way there it is very boring no radio nothing. I'm broken from my thoughts when Ward tells us "okay everyone on your best behaviour. Especially you Rafe, got it?" We then pull up to possibly the fanciest place I've ever been to.

"Yeah I got it" Rafe answers getting out of the car, we all follow.

"Jess!" I hear Sarah squeal as she runs up to me leaving Topper on the steps. She wraps her arms around me giving me a tight hug.

"I'm gonna need a bit of air here Sarah" I attempt to laugh. She releases her hold on me and looks back at Topper then at me. "Have you gone in yet?" I ask.

"No I wanted to wait for you" she smiles and Topper walks towards us. Ward, Rose and Wheezie walk past us so that means Rafe is behind me.

"Hi Jess" Topper says to me but I don't reply.

"Come on Jess" Rafe says putting his arm around my waist letting it rest on my hip. Me and Rafe walk into the event Sarah and Topper close behind us.

We all walk in Ward and Rose are saying hi to some other kooks. "We're just going to talk" Topper tells me and Rafe as he as Sarah walk away.

"So is this an annual thing?" I ask Rafe as he grabs a drink from one of the waiters.

"Pretty much. You know you don't have to talk to me Kie is right over there" he tells me raising his eyebrows.

I shake me head and look over my shoulder and see Kie and Pope standing ans chatting to one another.

I smile and walk over to them both. "Hey guys" I smile they both look at me shocked.

"Cameron's sure turned you full look didn't they" Pope laughs giving me a hug. Kie smiles at the two of us and touches my hair once Pope lets go of me.

"I like your hair like this" she tells me.

"Thanks Sarah did it" I smile running my hands through my hair and looking down at my dress.

"Hold up I have the perfect thing to add to your outfit" Pope tells me as he turns and picks something from behind him. He tools it behind my ear moving my hair out of the way. "A daisy. Thanks Pope" I smile.

Not That Perfect | JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now