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Once I get changed into a ribbed top and denim shorts. Since it was raining on the dock I make my way out of figure 8 out and to the cut.

I walk up to the Château to see John B getting tackled by someone. I run up to him and pull the two off each other. " hey hey what are you doing?" I question.

It's JJ

"JJ I swear t-" JJ's hand over my mouth stops me from finishing my sentence.

"You see them there?" He points to a black Posh car. Me and John B both nod "They are watching us."

After a few struggles, we get onto the boat and drive away trying not to get caught by whoever is in the black car.

me, John B and JJ get off the boat and sit in the woods. "First I almost get strangled to death by Kooks. And now I'm on the hook for 30 grand. We should just dip." JJ tells us both.

"Where do you wanna go?" John B jokes

" Yucatán"

" Yucatán" John B repeats back to him

"No, I'm dead serious right now, the three of us. Serf all day and then we can just live off lobsters. We catch with our bare hands" JJ explains his masterplan.

"You just wanna leave cause you got your ass beat?" John B says raising his eyebrows.

"You didn't see the photos" JJ says looking at the floor.

"Think about it, they're willing to kill for the gold. Then it's Gotta be out there JJ" John B raises his voice.

"Have you two lost your minds?" I ask them both with a confused face.

"100 years, man. 100 years people have been trying to find this Royal merchant. and no one succeeded, and you think you're gonna be the one that actually finds it? If you keep going down this road you're gonna end up, just like your dad!" JJ shots at John B

"JJ that's enough!" I shout at him as he takes steps towards John B. JJ has not looked at me once whilst we've been off the boat.

" I can't give up JJ! Last time I saw that dude we got in an argument and then he took all of our rent money in debt for this Royal merchant and I told him he was a shit father and you know how the rest of the story goes." John B pushes JJ back. John B walks away once he's finished talking.

"Bro, it wasn't your fault" JJ says he's trying to calm him down.

"It doesn't matter who's fault, it is, JJ! Do you not understand that? I can't give up on the hunt man. I don't care who is out there who is going to try kill us. Do you understand that? Tou know that" John B shouts turning back around, to look at JJ. John B grabs his bag and walks away from me and JJ.

"JJ I have to talk to you" I tell him as I walk up to him looking at him whilst he's looking at the floor.

"Not right now Jess" is his reply.

"I've got a plan. You two coming or what!?" John B shouts. "4 hundred million JJ. How much owe you in restitution?"

"We're coming" JJ replies walking past me. I follow shortly after sitting down on boat.

"You have to drop me off at the Cameron's. Sarah has just messaged me about something called Midsummers" I tell John B he and JJ both laugh in disbelief.

"You're going to Midsummers?" John B laughs.

"Yeah Sarah is saying I have to go as Rafe's date" when Rafe's name is said JJ looks up from the floor.

On que we reach the dock but before they drive away "Rafe?" JJ questions. I look at him and raise my eyebrows. "Ash?" I question and walk away.

"John B stop the boat" I hear JJ say as John B drives away.

I walk into the Cameron's house and hear Ward and Sarah having a conversation. "Hey Ward" I smile.

"Jess hi where have you been?" He asks me with a smile.

"Just picking up a few things" I tell him sitting down at the counter next to Sarah.

"Jess I know it's a lot to ask but how would you feel about going to Midsummers with Rafe?" Ward asks obviously hoping I say yes due to the smile on his face.

"Yeah sure. Why not?" I tell him

"Alrighty Sarah will you help Jess find a dress to wear please and I'll see you both when you are ready" he tells us both as he walks away.

"I guess we are going to Midsummers" Sarah says with an annoyed look on her face.

"I guess so. Help me pick a dress?" I ask her and says yes and grabs my hand taking me upstairs to my room.

I sit down on my bed and grab my vape from my pocket I take a toke as Sarah rummages through my closet looking for a dress.

"What do you wear to this kind of thing?" I ask laying down looking up at the ceiling.

"Something to show you have a lot of money is the easiest way to put it. Unless you want to go ask Rose cause she will give you a whole lecture." Sarah giggles to her self as she picks out 3 dresses for me to choose from. Dresses I've never seen before.

"Who's are these? Cause I've never seen them" I tell her sitting up on my bed looking at the dresses.

"I think Rose for you them" Sarah says looking at the dresses then at me. "Right so which one do you want to wear?" She asks me with a soft smile.

 "Right so which one do you want to wear?" She asks me with a soft smile

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"What colour is Rafe wearing?" I ask Sarah since I'm going as his date. I still don't know if that a good idea or not.

"He's wearing blue so I got you two blue options or a simple summer one" she says pointing between the three dresses.

"Which one do you think?" I ask standing up beside her putting my vape back in my pocket.

"That all depends. You see Pope and his dad will be there. They usually make food for the event. So if Pope sees you in this" she holds up the dark blue dress. "He will tell JJ, so the real question is, do you want to make JJ jealous or not?"

That question should be easy to answer but with JJ and Ash I don't know what to feel. Is there an Ash and JJ or am I just thinking too much into this?

"No, I don't. I'll go with the light blue one." I smile picking up the dress and holding it against my self in the mirror.

"Good choice. Now for shoes" Sarah says putting the other dresses back in my wardrobe.

Not That Perfect | JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now