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"You're okay. It's alright" Rafe whispers into my ear rubbing his hand up and down my back.

I take a deep breath and pull away from him I stand up and he does as well instantly as if I'll break if he doesn't watch my every move. I wipe my tears and for once I'm glad I didn't put mascara on. I look around and see that Ash cleared off.

"When she asked me to do what she had him doing. She never told me any of that, okay?" He tells me putting his hands on my shoulders I nod even though I don't know what to believe anymore.

But he wouldn't just let me cry into his shoulder then lie to me he may be an asshole at times but surely not all the time.

Rafe grabs my bag and we walk up the sand cover steps towards his bike. I take a long toke on my ecig trying to calm myself down a little bit more. I put my thing into his backpack and hear a car approaching. I look behind me and it's the Twinkie.


I don't know weather to scream at him or to just not say a thing. Rafe passes me his helmet and I put it on quickly as I see JJ getting out of the van. "Jess wait!" He shouts as Rafe gets on the bike.

JJ is only a few steps away from me and I get on the back of Rafe's bike and JJ pulls at my arm. Rafe gets off the bike instantly and I do straight after him. I take the helmet off and hold it close to my side.

"Rafe. Get out of my way." JJ says to him as they stand almost chest to chest.

"Jess" Rafe says my name and I stand next to him. "Do you wanna speak to him?"

"No. I want to go see my brother" I say directly to JJ so he knows that I know he's lied to both me and his best friend.

"Jess just let me-" JJ begins to reach out for me but Rafe steps in front of me. JJ looks between Rafe and myself and shakes his head "seriously? Rafe?" JJ questions me.

"Seriously? Lying to me? Lying to John B? Not telling me about a stupid deal you made with Ash!?" I yell going in front of Rafe and prodding JJ's chest with each question.

"I'm sorry" he whispers holding my hand to his chest. Whatever I do right now in this second with determine weather me and JJ will have a chance. Do I get on Rafe's bike? Or go with JJ back to the chateau?

"Save it" I whisper turning around to see Rafe already sat on his bike I put the helmet on and I don't hear JJ coming towards me. He's just cursing to himself. I get on the bike and wrap my arms around Rafe. I rest my head on his back -well technically the helmet- I take deep breaths until we reach his house. Which is actually mine as well.

I take the helmet off and pass it to Rafe. "Is Sarah here?" I ask him and he nods. "Thank you Rafe. I mean it" I turn to face him and he smiles passing me my stuff.

I walk into the house and look around to try and find Sarah I can hear her speaking but I can't find her. "Sarah!" I shout hoping she replies.

"Jess we're in here!" I hear her shout back she sounds as if she's in the guest room as I walk towards it. I look in and see her and John B.

"Sarah would you mind if I speak to John B for a minute?" She shakes her and with a smile and leaves the room. I sit down on the end of the bed and smile to him. To my brother.

Not That Perfect | JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now