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Eventually, we reach the dock of the Chateau, Pope and John B are the first ones off the boat. Kie looks between me and JJ then says "I get the feeling that you two need to talk" she gets off the boat with her arms crossed following the boys into the chateau.

"So then what's happening with you and Ash and please don't sit there and lie to me." I tell him not meeting his eyes even though I can feel his gaze burning into the side of my head.

"Before I tell you anything you-you just need to know that I tried to stop it-" when those words come out of his mouth I can think about nothing else but the worse. "When Ash moved here all she could talk about was how much she wanted to go back to California and-"

"What does this have to do with you and Ash JJ? I don't need the whole story" I tell him, as I don't want him to try and delay this conversation.

"You've just gotta listen to me Jess it'll all make sense, okay? I promise" is he actually promising something right now? "She eventually went back a few months ago and when she came back she didn't want to talk to anybody."

"Did she ever tell you why she left? When we were kids?" I ask him, that has always been a thought in my mind since she left.

"She did but it shouldn't come from me you her and John B need to speak about that"

"John B? Wh-why John B" I question I turn to face him with confusion all over my face.

"When she got back from California she called me and told me to meet her at the beach so I went. She told me that you were coming here to obx-" how did she know that? "You need to know that at that point nothing mattered to me but shit like weed and beer. Frankly I had no money so I would've done anything for it" he rambles.

"JJ-" I stop him so he can carry on telling me what happened.

"I know I know I'm sorry. She told me that she wanted me to see if your parents had told you about when they lived here. Or if you new what happened when she went back to California" Hold up my parents lived here in obx? What happened when she went back to Cali? I look at him with a furrowed brow confused at what he just said. "So I spent as much time with you as possible so you would trust me." I stand up and look at him my eyes trickling with tears.

"Look Jess she was giving me free stuff. I had nothing- I have nothing. About 2 weeks after you got I here I told her that I didn't want to do it anymore. She said if i stopped she would tell you what was going on." he stands up and goes to hold my hand.

I step onto the dock and look at him shaking my head "JJ what the fuck" I hear from behind me. Kiara.

I don't think I'm in Kie's good books right now but she puts her arm around my shoulders and walks me to the chateau.

"Angel please. Please just hear me out!" I hear him shout from the boat then I hear footsteps far behind us.

I think Kiara expects me to be sobbing crying by now but I deal tears rolling down my cheeks but my face stays completely neutral. Kiara shuts the chateau door and we sit on the pull out. "I heard it all you don't need to tell me" she says giving me a hug. "I didn't mean what I said earlier. I was just annoyed about Sarah. You're one of us AJ."

So that happened

Not That Perfect | JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now