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Right now it's about 9:25pm and the sun is almost set. Kiara let me borrow a pair of black denim shorts and a light brown t-shirt that has a flaming rose on the front.

She put the shorts I gave her on and a black t-shirt that has an eagle on the front.

I still have my bikini on underneath just in case I wanna have a swim whilst we're there, which I doubt will happen but better safe than sorry I guess.

"you ready?" Kie asks me grabbing her phone, I'm sat on her window seat blowing the smoke from my vape out of her window.

"Yeah I'm ready" I say smoke still escaping from my mouth. Which makes her giggle I put my phone and vape into the back pocket of my shorts and we head down stairs.

"Kiara where are you going?" I hear her mother ask.

"I'm just going to the boneyard" She answers putting her shoes on I put my flip flops back on as Kie says goodbye to her mother and father.

"It was nice meeting you Jessica dear" her mother says smiling to me.

"Thank you and you too" I smile as me and Kie make our way out of the house and begin to walk.

"How drunk do people usually get at these things?" I ask Kie as we make our way to the boneyard.

"Me? Not really, the boys that's a different story" she laughs making me laugh as well.

"Do you think John B would let me stay at his? I don't want my aunt knowing I'm drunk" I ask thinking about the countless times I've come home drunk.

"I'm sure he wouldn't mind" she tells me smiling.

"could we stop at mine then just so I can grab some clothes for tomorrow?" I ask as I see my house coming into view I quickly check the time on my phone 9:55pm, I hope Lucy is out.

"Yeah sure just be quick they'll wonder where we are" Kiara says as we stop just outside my house.

"Ok I'll just be a second" Jessica tells me as she goes into her house I lean against one of the tall trees outside the house.

It's been about 10 minutes and she's still not back she's probably trying to figure out what to take, right?

I begin to feel worried and start to send her a message "well that's no help" I mumble to myself as we never exchanged numbers.

I hear a her front door slam shut and see Jess with a sad but annoyed look on her face.

She also has a backpack I'm guessing that has the stuff for her stay at John

Once she reaches me the annoyed look vanishes from her face and is replaced with a happy and cheerful one.

"You ready?" I ask her putting my phone back in my jean short pocket.

"Ready" she confirms as we continue to walk to where the kegger is held.

She saw the look on my face didn't she? No she one hundred percent did. She doesn't seem to be phased by it so I'm not bringing it up.

Luckily it's dark so she can't see the red mark across my cheek that Lucy made when I attempt to sneak back out.

I knew it would be a bad idea to go in but one these aren't my clothes so I'll have to give them back to Kie tomorrow. And two well I'm in need of a shower.

Not That Perfect | JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now