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As we continue to drive to wherever John B is aiming to take us I remember the fact that everyone in this van, besides from me of course, believes my parents are alive.

I want to tell them all the truth I really do, but I cant stop thinking about if they'll see me differently after.

I don't want them to feel bad for me but they deserve to know the truth. Right?

"So where are we going now?" Pope asks John B, John B looks ahead as if he is looking for a place we could go.

"What about the wreck?" JJ suggests and everyone agrees however I'm to busy thinking about when I should get home and If I should text Lucy.

I zone back Into reality by JJ shaking my shoulders "Jessica? Jess?" I hear him say to me I begin to look at JJ.

"I'm sorry what were you saying?" I ask as polite as I can without seeming rude.

"Oh well we're off to The Wreck" he informs me.

"Speaking of" John B says as the van stops and I look out the small window and see the front door of the small restaurant.

We all get out JJ and Pope helping me and Kie out of the van.

Kie says that once they get more comfortable around me that'll stop.

They boys make their way out back and I watch Kiara as she enters the kitchen and her mum and dad greet her with hugs. Her parents see me and they smile and wave and I return the gesture with a smile.

I walk up to the counter and order one iced tea and 4 coca colas.

I haven't exactly asked if the boys or Kie want a drink but I'm sure they wouldn't turn it down.

Especially after all the running we all have just done.

I pay the boy who looks to be just a bit older than me and he tells me the drinks will be out to my table in just a moment. I thank him and walk outside and take a seat opposite Pope and next to John B.

Within about 5 minuets the drinks are brought out and placed in front of us all. The iced tea in front of me and a coke for the boys the spare coke for Kie is placed in the middle.

When the boy places my drink down I notice mine is the only one he has put a coaster underneath I can my face has a puzzled expression when John B clicks his figures in front of my face and asks what's wrong.

I say nothing and he shrugs it off. I take a drink from my tea and as I do JJ reaches over and takes the coaster from under my cup.

"What are you doing?" I ask JJ as I put my cup back down on the wooden picnic table. "Nothing just investigating" he explains with oh so much detail.

"I think Jess has a secret admirer" John B teases as he looks at the coaster JJ is holding in his hands.

I can't help but notice how JJ's expression changes at the new subject his mood seems to lighten as I reach over and take the small dark blue coaster from his hand our hands softly touching at my actions.

turn the coaster around and see '+1 (164) 286-**** call me- Thomas (btw that is just a random number) that must be the boy who was stood behind the counter I smile due to the fact that It's been a while since I've been in the dating business. Or even the talking stage for that matter.

"Well boys it looks like little miss Jessica may be getting back into the dating business" I say with a smile creeping to my face and I let it as I grab my phone out of my backpack I had forgotten I'm carrying.

I go to my contacts and put in his name and number I hope I remember to call or drop him a text when I get home.


Oh crap Lucy she wont remember when I told her I'm going out. I quickly check my messages and she 5 messages from her asking where I am I put my phone in my bag and grab out my vape and I inhale quickly and blow out the watermelon scented smoke a few seconds later.

I drink the rest of my tea and stand up without telling the boys where I plan on going or how I plan on getting there. "Where are you going?" Pope asks as I attempt to walk away un noticed. "I have to go home" I explain quickly as I make my way out of the restaurant quick enough to not answer any questions.

When I get outside I see the familiar hair of Sarah Cameron who is getting into her car I run up and before she sets off I quickly ask is she would give me a ride back to my house. She says she doesn't mind I thank her and jump in the passenger seat of her car and we set off.

"So how come I've not seen you round lately?" Sarah asks me as we turn a coroner onto our street.

"Oh well me Kie, Pope, John B and JJ have been hanging out a lot and I saw you last night" I explain as we pass houses and my house comes into view.

"Oh well make sure to call me and we could maybe go shopping or something" Sarah suggests as she stops the car outside my house.

"I will" I say as I jump out the car "Promise?!" Sarah asks "I promise" I say back and I don't really promise much.

Here we go.


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