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Food fight


Once Kie pulled up just outside the wreak we all get out of the van and walking into the small restaurant we are all very familiar with well except Jess but she'll get used to it.

Kie grabs an apron wrapping it around her waits and walks into the kitchen to see her parents.

We all take seat at our usual table me and John B sat at one side and Jess and Pope opposite us Jess sat in front of me and Pope in front of John B.

"So what's you story?" Pope asks the brunette sat beside him she looks to be piecing together her answer.

"Well I was born in California no siblings so it was kind of lonely growing up but gave me the freedom to do what ever I wanted. My aunt Lucy always treats me more like a sister than a niece, I loved it in California then me and my friendship group went through something that I'm not gunna get into."

She doesn't make eye contact at all while talking and it almost sounds like she has said gave this exact explanation before.

"Then me and my aunt moved her so my mum and dad could go travelling" She said looking up to us with a smile on her face that I can tell is fake because I've done it many times before.

We are interrupted from our conversation by a plate of fries and burgers being placed on the table in front of us I look up to see Kiara taking off her apron as she pulls up a chair to sit at the end top of the table next to Jess and myself.

She gives us all a plate and puts a burger and some chips onto hers as does Jess.

Without hesitation we all pick up a burger each and start eating I accidently flick a fry over onto Popes plate and he throws it back at me I smirk "oh that was a declaration of war right there" I say through a fry back at him. Then a fry hits the side of my face I look in front of me and see Jess smirking "oh your on AJ" I tell her.

Soon enough it turned into a full blown food fight "alright alright you win" I hear Jess surrender "yeah remember I'm the one who has gotta clean this up now you 3 go get ready for the kegger we'll meet you there" Kiara tells us.

"I'll go pay" Jess says getting her card from the back of her phone case. "Alright see you girls later" John B says pushing my shoulder telling me to get up "bye" me and Pope say at the same time.

Jess and Kie smile to us as we walk out of The Wreak and into John Bs van and head back to his. We set off driving me in the passenger seat Pope in the back and John B driving.

"Jess seemed off" Pope says pocking his head into the front.

"what do you mean off?" John B furrows his brow in confusion to what he meant.

"I don't know when she was telling us her life it just sounded like rehearsed or something I don't know" he says sitting back in his seat.

"Well she has just moved here she probably gets the question a lot" I defend her "yeah your right" he admits.

"When am I not?.....Actually don't answer that" I say as they could probably come up with a million things I've been wrong about we reach the Chateau and I make my way to the guest room I've claimed as mine.

I stay here more than I stay at my dads which isn't surprising

I grab a grey tank top and my red swimming trunks and change ready for the kegger.

This is shorter I know don't kill me

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