2 - Art Partners

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The image of his piercing eyes stuck in her mind since she saw them. The way they slowly traveled up and down her body, observing quietly whilst smirking gave her chills. That was the first time Y/N truly encountered Jay, though they didn't have a conversation. He wasn't one she would like to be around, anyways. She's heard about his history with people, and it's definitely not a good one. 

The rumors of him playing with girls and being ruthless toward people. He was the brightest red flag that waved caution to anyone who crossed his path.

After some time of searching, she finally found her classroom before she stepped inside quietly. That, until she spots Areum standing at the window. When Areum turned around and noticed her friend's presence, pure happiness shone right through her eyes. "Y/N!" She screamed, running towards her and enveloping her in a tight hug. The warmth of Areum's embrace was a stark contrast to the lingering chill Y/N felt from the memory of Jay's unsettling gaze. "I missed you so much!" 

"I missed you too," Y/N smiled, hugging her back. Areum always gave the best hugs. It was heartfelt, a bear-like but affectionate one. "How was your summer?" She asked before they walked to their seats.

"It was nice. My parents and I went over to our house in Busan, and it was so fun." She showed her the pictures she took at the beach, telling her about the good-looking guys she met, only for Y/N to burst into laughter. "A girl can't help but appreciate the scenery, you know."

"I can always count on you for an interesting summer story." She smiled. "I'm glad you had a good time."

By the time they sat down and talked a bit, the class was now full of students who chatted with each other. Just when she wanted to speak again, something- or rather someone interrupted their conversation as they walked inside. Some girls started squealing while other students didn't seem too pleased. 

"Y/N, you might want to turn around," Areum whispered as Y/N tilted her head and furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "He's staring at you." She slowly turned around only to catch sight of him, her eyes only widening. Jay, Sunghoon, and Jake just walked in and stopped before her.

"You again. I'm guessing you're a new student?" Jay cocked his eyebrow before his face turned into a repulsive look as his eyes scanned the class. He hadn't realized she had been here the past two years? That made Y/N roll her eyes.

"I'm surprised you haven't noticed me, Jay. I've been here as long as you have," She said in a monotone voice, while she had a bit of a snapping tone in it; which she was taken back with. She wasn't usually one to be rude unless she had to but for some reason, it came naturally with him.

"You might want to watch your tone with me," She watched him clench his jaw and cross his arms. She leaned back in her seat, a defiant smile playing at the corner of her lips. Y/N was a big introvert, but she wasn't the shy, good girl that people often assumed her to be.

"Watch my tone?" She shook her head in amusement. "You know, not everyone is going to bow down to your highness just because you've got that smug look permanently plastered on your face."

The corners of his mouth twitched, a shadow of a smile forming despite his attempt to maintain a composed façade. "Oh, you're bold." Just then, Mr. Song, their art teacher for the year walked in making Y/N smile at Jay and point at the front of the room as if to say, "Saved by the bell."

Annoyed, Jay pulled out the chair next to her and sat down while Sunghoon smiled hesitantly and sat next to Areum who was staring at Y/N the whole time, confused. Shaking her head, Y/N whispered a small "later" before they both focused on their teacher.

"Alright class, you all have to partner up with the person next to you for the main assignment for this class this semester. You will be expressing your emotions towards the other person on a white paper. You'll be asked about it at the end of the semester, so take your time to know your partner and what you feel about them better. I hope you'll have a nice day, you're dismissed."

On cue, Y/N's eyes snapped open as she looked at her supposed-to-be partner who had his piercing eyes already on her, a smirk plastered on his lips while resting his head on his hand. "I'm looking forward to working with you, partner," Jay whispered next to Y/N's ear before his hand grazed under her chin, making her look at him. "And mostly to see how you feel about me. We both know you don't truly hate me, sunshine." 

Y/N tensed at the sudden nickname, but soon pried his hand off her chin and glared furiously at him. "Touch me again and your nose will end up flattened."

Jay chuckled softly, seemingly unfazed by her threat. "Feisty. That's going to make this assignment quite interesting. See you later, sunshine." He walked away, one thought replaying in his mind. He was winning the bet no matter what.

"Mind explaining what was that?" Areum suddenly snapped Y/N out of her trance as she nudged her arm softly. Her expression held confusion and deep curiosity. 

Y/N stared at her as she took a deep breath. "We bumped into each other this morning and yeah... he's been talking to me since then? He indeed thinks the wold revolves around him."

"Y/N, you're going to work with the most arrogant and bad boy this school has ever known of. This sounds like the beginning of a cliché romance novel." Areum paused, a playful glint in her eyes. "Who knows, maybe he secretly has a crush on you."

"Oh please, Areum, you read too many romance novels. This real life, not a cheesy story." Y/N retorted with an eye-roll. "Plus if this is ever a book, it's going to be a rollercoaster of frustration and exasperation, not some swoony romance. You, on the other hand, might have some romance with Sunghoon."

Areum's cheeks started reddening and Y/N found herself getting amused at her friend's embarrassment. "We're just partners, he doesn't even like me that way."

"But you're not saying you don't like him." Y/N smirked, earning a playful glare from Areum.

"Stop embarrassing me already. I know he's Jay's friend but he still has a good heart. He's so sweet and good-looking." Areum said as a small smile appeared on her lips. "I have a feeling this year will be so great, don't you?"

"Well, if he's as sweet and good-looking as you say, then maybe this year will indeed be interesting." She smiled and Areum stopped in the middle of the corridor, folding her arms over her chest. "What?"

"You don't know what might happen! Like, fate has its own plans!" She argued and Y/N just nodded.

"Are you sure you haven't been reading fortune cookies along with those romance novels?"

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