10 - A Sweet Visit

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Y/N slept on her bed, wrapped in a cozy blanket that made her feel cocooned and safe. Her body was still aching from the events of earlier, both physically and emotionally. She closed her eyes, trying to shut out the memories of it all. Areum sat next to her, half asleep, trying to comfort Y/N with her presence.

When the two of them came back home, Y/N's grandmother was worried but Areum told her that Y/N just had her period and she wasn't feeling good because of the cramps. Y/N's grandmother, while concerned, seemed relieved by the explanation and offered some herbal remedies to alleviate the pain.

"I'm sorry for scaring you, Grandma," Y/N said before her grandmother shushed her and hugged her closer. She felt the warmth of her grandmother's embrace, a soothing balm for her troubled heart.

"It's alright, my dear. Just rest now," Her grandmother whispered, patting her head. "Do you still have cramps?" 

"I'm fine now." Y/N smiled weakly, even though the bruises on her stomach still throbbed painfully. She didn't want her grandmother to worry any further. Areum stepped inside, smiling bitterly at Y/N.

"Do you feel better?" She whispered, sitting on the chair across the bed. "I had to skip classes because of you, you better be grateful."

Y/N managed a chuckle, wincing slightly at the soreness. "Sorry about that, Areum. Thanks for being here though."

"I'd skip a hundred classes if it meant taking care of you, you know that? That's how much I love you, bruises and all." Her smile widened when Y/N nodded, closing her eyes for a while. "Take some rest, I'll go buy you the things you like. I know you're craving ice cream and chocolate, right?" 

"You know me too well." Areum was heading out of the house when someone rang their doorbell, making her frown. "Who are- oh, Jay." There he stood, his hand behind his neck while giving her an awkward smile. "Go in, I'm going to get some things for Y/N."

"Who is it?" Y/N's grandmother peeked from the kitchen, wondering who the young boy was. "Y/N's new friend?"

"Hello, I'm Park Jay." He nodded, bowing politely at her. "I was worried about Y/N and wanted to visit her." 

"You're such a nice guy. Come inside, dear." She ushered him to walk in, happy at the fact that Y/N had finally made new friends. "Y/N is in her room upstairs, you can go and see her." She said before walking back to the kitchen, leaving him standing there for a second before he went upstairs and stood in front of a closed door. He gently knocked on the door, the weak 'Come in' making him slowly push the door open.

"Did you leave somethin- oh." Y/N muttered, thinking that Areum forgot something but stopped when she realized that it wasn't her friend but the person she was thinking about. "Jay?"

"Hey," He smiled, rubbing the back of his neck. "Are you feeling better?" 

"I'm fine," Y/N said, playing with her fingers out of nervousness. He knew she wasn't exactly fine but chose not to talk about it.

"I thought I'd visit and apologize for what happened. This wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for me. I'm sorry, Y/N." He said, his eyes full of sadness and guilt. Y/N knew how genuine his apology was just by looking at his eyes. 

There was this awkward silence as no one of them uttered a word, they just stared at each other until Jay cleared his throat.

"I think you're still mad at me." He said lowly as he lowered his head. "I'll just leave you alone-" He was about to turn around when he heard her voice call for him.

"I'm not mad at you, Jay." She said, making him turn to her with big surprised eyes. "It's not your fault this happened, so don't feel bad." She said as he felt a big weight lift off his heart. 

Those were exactly the words he needed to hear from the right one.

Jay walked to Y/N before engulfing her in a tight hug, catching her off guard. She had her arms on both of her sides before she slowly hugged him back. 

It was such a warm and tight hug that fixed all their broken pieces.

"I promise... I'll try my best to not let anything hurt you." He said, hoping he could keep his promise.

But promises are meant be broken, right?

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