25 - Years Later

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The room was silent as the two slept peacefully. The sun rose and the sunlights found their way in, disturbing the little girl's sleep. She furrowed her eyebrows before she rubbed her eyes with those little warm hands.

Looking at her mother sleeping next to her, a soft and cute smile crept on her lips before she placed a gentle kiss on her cheek.

Y/N turned around as she slowly opened her eyes, meeting the smile of her little angel. "Good morning, Hana." She smiled and hugged her daughter tightly.

"Hi mommy," Hana said as she giggled in Y/N's chest.

After a minute or two, both of them got out of the bed before they made it and walked to the bathroom to wash their faces and brush their teeth.

"Like this mommy?" Hana asked as she put some toothpaste on her toothbrush and Y/N couldn't help but smile, proud of her daughter.

"Yes, just like that." Stroking Hana's soft hair, she kissed her cheek as the little girl giggled. "Good job, sweetheart." 

Y/N helped her to use the bathroom before they made their way downstairs. At the sight of her grandmother, Hana rushed to the kitchen and hugged her. "Hi, grandma!" She said with a huge smile which made the old lady chuckled at her cuteness.

"Hi my pretty little girl," she said and lifted Hana up, kissing her soft pink cheek. "Did you sleep well?" She asked and Hana nodded.

"Mommy didn't snore this time."

"What?" Y/N said in disbelief as she faked a pout. "I can't believe you just said that." She chuckled before she greeted her grandmother with a warm smile. "Good morning, grandma." She kissed her cheek and helped her set up the table for breakfast.

"Good morning, my little girl." She said which made Y/N laugh.

"I'm not a little girl anymore," she said as she poured milk into her daughter's cup. 

It was true, Y/N wasn't a little girl anymore. She had grown up and matured so much, and that was why her grandmother looked at her with an expression mixed with pity and sadness because Y/N didn't get the chance to live her teenage days as most teenagers did.

"You'll always be my little girl though." Her grandmother smiled warmly at her and Y/N just smiled and nodded.

Five years had passed already. A lot of things changed, but the only thing that didn't was Y/N and Areum's friendship. They always spent time together and Areum never abandoned her friend, not in a million years.

Not able to stay in Seoul, Areum explained what happened to her parents and they were nice enough to let them all stay at their house in Busan. And Y/N and her grandmother couldn't be more grateful.

If Y/N stayed in Seoul, it would have been really hard for her since the school was still going on and she'll hurt even more if her classmates knew about her situation. They'll spread rumors and throw hate, not only to Y/N but to Areum, Jay, and his friends.

Although they did lie to her and hurt her, what happened wasn't their fault and so they didn't deserve such hate.

They both lived together and were homeschooled. They found a good tutor and studying wasn't hard for Y/N nor Areum. After several months had passed, they both finally graduated and Y/N was lucky enough to get into Pusan National University in Busan. And because of her condition, she didn't have to go so instead, she studied at home or helped Areum with her shop.

Areum didn't want to go to college, her parents supported her decision and helped her build a flower shop next to their house in Busan. She loved flowers and was passionate about them, and so her flower shop became famous within few months after its opening.

Y/N then gave birth to Hana and became a mother with a lot of responsibilities. It was hard to study and take care of her baby, but her grandmother took care of Hana whenever she had to go to university and helped Areum in her time off. 

Their lives were so peaceful and they loved living together. After all that happened to her, Y/N couldn't be grateful enough for having them by her side when she went through the worst days of her life.

"Where's Areum?" Y/N asked as she put Hana on her chair and helped her eat her breakfast.

"I'm here!" Areum said after closing the door behind her, hands full with groceries. It was the weekend so she decided to close the flower shop and spend the day with Y/N, her grandmother, and Hana. With her family.

"Hi, Hana!" She rushed to Y/N's daughter and pecked her cheek as the little girl smiled, her eyes closing which made everyone smile at her cuteness.

Areum then placed the bags on the kitchen counter and washed her hands before sitting next to Areum and Hana.

"The bags are so heavy, you must have struggled alone." Y/N's grandmother said as she grabbed the bags. 

"It's okay, don't worry. I got up early and thought why not take a walk and while I'm on it I went to a nearby supermarket." She said as she chewed up on her food, mouth full.

"You shouldn't talk when you're eating!" Hana said and that made them laugh meanwhile Areum imitated her funnily. 

And that's usually how their mornings go. Everyone had fun and after washing the dishes, Y/N and Areum decided to take Hana to the beach. Her grandmother wanted to take a rest and so only the three of them went.

The moment they reached the beach, Hana started running as she played with the sand and water. Y/N and Areum sat down and watched her enjoying herself with smiles plastered on their faces.

"I'm glad to see her so happy," Areum said and put her head on Y/N's shoulder as the latter nodded and enjoyed the fresh air. 

"Time flies... Hana is already four." She said as she remembered the first time she held her daughter's little hand. Although she was sad that her daughter wasn't able to be held by her father, she was strong and so she took care of her daughter alone. Even though it was so hard.

"Yeah..." Areum opened her eyes and stared at Hana with a warm smile. "All the bad days are left behind, I hope that only bright and happy days are waiting for us." 

Y/N smiled and nodded. 

"Yeah, I hope so." 

A/N: :)

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