36 - Protecting Her

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Jay furrowed his eyebrows and looked at Y/N in confusion, his smile fading a little.

"Mommy said that dad's name is J-" Hana was about to say his name when Y/N crouched next to her and squeezed her hand. 

How did she know that? Perhaps she heard her talk about him...?

"What are you saying, Hana?" She chuckled nervously before she stood up and looked at Jay. "I'm sorry, she's still young and doesn't know what she's saying..."

Looking at her in confusion, he slowly nodded and looked back at Hana who was now playing with the hem of her skirt. 

She definitely meant Junseok, her father...

"But what are you doing here?" Y/N quickly asked, trying to change the topic. Things were about to mess up but she was relieved that she was able to stop her daughter from telling him the truth.

"I have a meeting with a Business Management professor in here." He said and turned to look at the university. 

"Mrs. Kang?" Y/N asked, making Jay look at her in surprise before he nodded.

"Yeah... how did you- oh you study here?"

"Yes, Mrs. Kang is my professor. But I'm not going to her lecture today, I have a presentation to do so I'll be at the library along with... Hana." She explained and Jay smiled at the little girl once again.

"Alright. I'll have to go too." He turned to Y/N with the same smile before his eyes looked right into hers. "Good luck." He said before he waved to Hana and made his way inside.

As she watched him walk away, Y/N let out a sigh of relief before she slightly glared at Hana who was looking at her surroundings, not aware of what she was about to do.

"Let's go." Y/N grabbed her hand and both of them made their way to the library. 

Hana sat down on a chair next to her mother as she got out some papers and coloring pencils. And so soon, she got distracted by drawing and Y/N decided to start working on her presentation.

It wasn't hard, but she had to focus on what she was writing. 

However, she couldn't stop herself from thinking about Jay. What if he knew that Hana is his daughter? Y/N knew that he'd be so angry to know he had a daughter for five years and that she lied to him all this time.

But would he accept her? 

Playing with the pen in her hand, she didn't realize she wrote all her thoughts on the document until the pen fell on the ground and she stopped spacing out. Y/N picked up her pen before she looked at the chair next to her, her daughter nowhere in sight.

Anxiety rushed over her as she quickly stood up and looked around her, in the hope to find her daughter. But the library was only full of people that were studying or working and there was no sight of the little girl.

Y/N breathed heavily as she ran out of the library and started looking for her outside. "Excuse me, have you seen a little girl around here?" She asked everyone she met in the hallways but to no avail.

"Where are you...?" Grabbing her head, she tried her best to stop herself from crying and instead ran around, looking for her.

Just when she thought something bad happened to her, Y/N spot her daughter from afar. "Hana-" She called but her eyes widened at the sight of Jay standing next to her.

What was Hana doing with him?

Y/N started running to them when some students playfully pushed another student on a shelf of glass nearby, making it fall nearby Hana and Jay.

"Watch out!" Y/N's eyes widened and her heart skipped a beat when Jay pulled Hana in his arms and embraced her body tightly, protecting her from the glass as it landed on his back. 

The glass shattered everywhere, making everyone widen their eyes and gasp loudly.

Y/N's knees were about to give up on her but with the little strength she had left, she ran to her daughter before she crouched down next to them, helping them get out of the mess.

"Hana!" She felt her heart break the moment she heard her daughter's cries. "Sweetheart, it's okay... I'm here." Pulling Hana to her, she stroked her hair and whispered comforting words as her heart beat faster. 

"Ah..." Jay groaned in pain and that's when Y/N turned to him, noticing the blood dripping down his back. 

Widening her eyes, she pulled away from her daughter and helped him sit up. "You're b-bleeding..." And before she knew it, Y/N started crying as she stared at Jay in pain.

   . . .

"I'm really fine," Jay said but Y/N was still feeling anxious. 

After what happened, Jay, Y/N, and Hana went to the hospital before he got his wounds treated. It wasn't that bad but the wounds on his back hurt a lot, and he started having a headache.

However, instead of staying at the hospital, Jay wanted to go back home and rest. Not able to leave him alone, Y/N decided to stay with him and take care of him since he was all alone.

Hana had already fallen asleep in Jay's bedroom, perhaps because she felt warm on her father's bed. Meanwhile, Y/N was in the living room, treating Jay's wounds.

"Does it hurt?" She asked every five seconds and Jay shook his head no every time, yet she couldn't help but ask when the cotton collided with his back. "Does it hurt-"

Just when Y/N asked, he winced in pain and she widened her eyes before she peeked at him. "Did I hurt you? Oh my god, I'm so sorry-"

"I'm just kidding." Jay chuckled when Y/N slightly hit him and this time he winced for real. "That hurts!" 

 "Stop playing with me!" Slightly pouting, she sat down again before she carefully bandaged his wounds. 

Turning him to her, she was about to apply ointment on his forehead when her eyes landed on his abs. He was shirtless, only in a pair of sweats and that made Y/N's cheeks heat up. 

Clearing her throat, she slightly shook her head and gently placed the cotton on his forehead as he kept staring at her. "Thank you... for saving Hana." Y/N said as a soft smile found its way on her lips.

Lowering her head, their eyes met and she felt her body freeze for a moment. She couldn't describe the way he stared at her... as if she was the most beautiful yet fragile thing on earth. 

His hand slowly found its way up as he placed it on her cheek and softly stroke it. "I would literally give away my life to keep you and the persons you love safe... " He smiled before he closed his eyes, slowly placing his forehead on hers. 

And at that moment, Y/N's heart finally healed... a little.

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