15 - His Evil Cousin

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"I still can't believe you forgot to get us ice cream," Areum said as she and Y/N walked to school. "And you dared to come back holding hands as if nothing was wrong. I swear Sunoo and Niki were about to kill both of you." She added and chuckled at the memory and Y/N hid her face in embarrassment. 

"We really forgot about it..." Y/N said. 

Both of them were too immersed in their feelings that they even forgot the reason why they went out in the first place.

"But I'm happy for you," Areum said and smiled. "Jay might not be that bad after all. He treats you right and makes you happy, so might as well give him a chance." 

Y/N's cheeks turned to soft pink as she smiled too. "Right." She said before they made their way through the school's gate. 

Jay and the boys were standing in front of the school's stairs, waiting for both the girls.

Upon seeing each other, a chuckle left Jay's mouth when he saw Y/N's flushed cheeks. He walked to her before standing in front of her with a huge smile on his face. 

"Good morning." He said and grabbed Y/N's hand as everyone cringed at them.

"You lovebirds should come quickly if you don't want to be late to class!" Areum called as everyone walked to school, leaving the two lovers behind.

"If you're that jealous then just start dating too," Jake said and winked at her, making her widen her eyes. Areum stole a glance at Sunghoon who was smiling to himself before she felt herself blushing. 

"Hey!" She whisper-yelled as she glared at Jake who just laughed and shrugged. 

Just when she was about to hit him on the head, someone passed by them, making all of them stop and turn to him.

"Isn't that Jay's cousin?" Jungwon asked as the boys nodded. "He seems pretty angry though..." He added, worried.

Yejoon walked down the corridor with an angry expression as he spotted Jay and Y/N smiling at each other. Stopping in front of them, he glared at Jay. 

"I see you're having fun with your girl." He said between gritted teeth. 

Jay grabbed Y/N's hand and pulled her behind him as he glared back at his cousin. Her getting hurt because of him was the last thing he'd ever want.

"After killing my girlfriend- you're supposed to live a miserable life but instead you found a new girl and you're smiling as nothing had ever happened?!" Yejoon yelled all of a sudden, making the students gather around them.

Grabbing Yejoon by his collar, he said angrily, "I never killed anyone. Watch what you say, you asshole!" He was about to hit him if not for Y/N grabbing his hand and telling him to calm down. 

He stared at her for a moment before looking back at his cousin with disgust written all over his face. 

With a sigh, he let go of him and closed his eyes in frustration. Grabbing Y/N's hand, he was about to leave when Yejoon spoke again.

"You raped her, didn't you?" He said, making Jay abruptly stop in his tracks. Y/N widened her eyes along with everyone present around them. 

But Yejoon wasn't planning on stopping anytime soon, instead, he continued. "Weren't you the one who hurt her to the point where she chose to die instead of living with someone so heartless like you?" 

Jay didn't turn around and deny what his cousin just said, instead he started walking away, leaving everyone in shock. 

"J-Jay..." Y/N called but he ignored her and made his way to the rooftop.

As soon as they arrived, Jay let go of Y/N's hand and ran his hands in his hair, too frustrated. Y/N kept staring at him with a worried expression before she slowly stood in front of him and hugged him, softly patting his back.

"It's okay." She whispered and tightened her grip around his body, letting him put his head on the crook of her neck. "It's going to be okay." Her eyes glistening, she closed her eyes and sighed.

Both of them skipped classes and sat there, staring at the sky that wasn't too bright. 

What Yejoon said couldn't leave Y/N's mind as she fidgeted with the hem of her shirt, but she still decided not to say anything.

"What he said..." Jay started, making Y/N turn to him. He took a deep breath before he continued. "That's not the truth." He looked at Y/N right in the eyes, trying to see if she'd believe him. 

And so Y/N slowly grabbed his hand and nodded, letting him know that she'd always believe him, no matter what. 

"What's true is that... I slept with her." He said and closed his eyes at the bitter memories as Y/N's heart beat faster. "But I didn't know it was Yejoon's girlfriend, she came to me and then this thing between us happened-" He stopped and looked at Y/N.

"When he caught her cheating on him, she lied." He continued. "She freaking lied and told everyone that I raped her. At first, Yejoon didn't believe her, we were so close that he couldn't doubt me. But what she did-" He closed his eyes and Y/N gently squeezed her hand.

"It's okay," Y/N said before he opened his eyes and looked at her with a sad expression. 

"She h-hung herself." He said and Y/N's eyes widened. "No one knows why she did that but Yejoon still thinks I was the reason because of her damn lie..." 

Y/N turned him to her before hugging him tightly before he wrapped his arms around her as if he was afraid she'd vanish. 

"I believe you, Jay. I will always do." She whispered and that's what it took for the tears to leave his eyes, wetting her shoulder.

"I'm sorry, Y/N." He said and Y/N furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. She was about to pull away to ask him why he was sorry when he tightened his grip around her waist and whispered.

"If anything happens, I'm sorry."

A/N: I hope you guys are doing great <3

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