27 - False Truth

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Y/N's eyes started tearing up as Jay stood in front of her, shocked. The last person he expected to see there was her; the person he loved so much.

"J-Jay..." His name escaped her lips as she stared at him with glistening eyes. A feeling of nostalgia hit her as she stared at his eyes. The eyes she used to adore, the eyes that were full of mixed feelings he always failed to express.

He wasn't a young boy anymore. His features became sharp and his face held seriousness and numbness Y/N couldn't know the reason.

Where was the guy who lied and made fun of her?

Y/N's heart was beating faster than ever as Jay stared right into her without uttering a single word. He was too mesmerized by how she became such a gorgeous woman, erasing all the traits of the Y/N he used to know back when she was still herself.


The moment Jay was about to talk, someone called Y/N's name making them turn their heads toward the unknown person.

Junseok stood there furrowing his eyebrows before he walked to them and bowed to Jay. "See you tomorrow, Mr. Park." He said and turned to Y/N and the others. "What are you doing here?"

Taking him by surprise, Y/N intertwined her hand with Junseok's before she turned to him, her heart about to burst out.

"I was waiting for you." She smiled, even if inside her heart was breaking.

"Oh..." Junseok's ears reddened as he stared at her, confused.

What was she doing?

Turning to Jay, he bowed one more time before he grabbed Y/N by her shoulders and walked away, making everyone widen their eyes except for Jay who watched him take his girl away from him.

Was this enough to make him feel the way she felt?

Junseok pulled Y/N with him to his car before he opened the door for her, letting her get in. After getting in the driver's seat, he closed the door and sat there, his heart still beating fast and his ears still red.

"What was-"

Before he could finish what he was saying, Y/N's sobs interrupted him as she looked out of the window and wiped her tears.

"Oh... Y/N, what's wrong?" Junseok grabbed her arm softly and turned her to him, his heart aching at her crying. "Why are you crying?" He stroked her hair as Y/N took a deep breath and sniffled.

"It's h-him..." Y/N looked at him with red eyes. "The guy that broke my h-heart... it's him."

"What?" Junseok furrowed his eyebrows and stared at her in confusion when the realization hit him. "Mr. Park!?"

Looking out of the window, she nodded and sighed. "Park Jay... the boy I used to love and-" Y/N stopped and closed her eyes as if erasing the truth. "And Hana's father..."

Junseok gasped and looked away, his hand on his mouth. "This doesn't make any sense... how could this happen?" He said as he looked at her in disbelief.

"I don't k-know... I'm afraid..." She said and looked at him with tears full of tears. "I'm afraid he'll k-know about Hana and- and..."

"It's gonna be okay." Junseok pulled her to him as her tears fell on his shoulder, stroking her hair gently. After she calmed down a little, Y/N looked out of the window as Junseok was driving and checking up on her every minute or two.

"Can I ask you for a favor?" She said, looking at him with desperate eyes.

"Of course." Junseok didn't hesitate to reply.

"Can you be Hana's father?"

"W-what?" He widened his eyes as he looked back and forth between her and the road. As he got closer to her house, he parked the car nearby and took a deep breath. "Be Hana's f-father?"

"Yes... I know it's crazy of me to ask you this but... I'll do anything if it means I'm protecting my child so please..." She grabbed his hands and stared right into his eyes. "If we pretend to be a couple then Jay would believe that Hana is our daughter..."

Junseok's heart ached as he looked at her hands holding his. It was breaking his heart to know that he had to pretend to live the life he always dreamt of, yet he couldn't refuse her favor.

Because he would do anything for the woman he loves.

. . .

"I'm home," Y/N said once she got inside, taking off her shoes before she walked to the living room where Areum was watching TV.

"Oh, you're here. Welcome back." Areum said as she smiled widely and rushed to Y/N's side. "How was your day?"

"It was fine..." Y/N faked a smile that but Areum knew her very well.

"What's wrong?" She asked as she looked right into her friend's eyes. "Were you crying?"

"No, I'm just really tired... Where's Hana?" She said, trying her best to avoid Areum's eyes.

"She's sleeping in your room, she spent the whole day with me at the shop and helped with flowers. The customers loved her, she's really cute." Areum smiled and Y/N smiled, proud of her little girl.

"What about grandma?"

"Oh right, she said she wanted to go on a walk since the weather at this time is so nice. She'll come back really soon so don't worry." She patted Y/N's back and told her to go get some rest.

Walking to her room, Y/N slowly opened the door before she saw her daughter sleeping peacefully on their bed. She tiptoed to the bed before she sat on it, staring at Hana's angelic face.

Y/N placed her hand on her daughter's cheek as she looked at her sadly.

"I'm sorry for keeping you away from your father, little angel," She smiled weakly as a single tear fell on her cheek.

"But I can't trust him anymore..."

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